Friday, February 29, 2008


From the NY POST a follow up regarding the woman who appeared on The Moment of Truth (see post from Wed.)

Frank and Lauren Cleri shocked "Moment of Truth" viewers this week when the 26-year-old wife admitted to cheating on her husband and said she'd rather be married to her ex-boyfriend. The Post sat down with the surprisingly amicable couple this week to find out more on their rocky relationship.

The couple, who married after dating for eight months, admits that if they'd won the cash prize (she lost after being asked if she thought she was a good person), their problems wouldn't have been fixed.

"The money wouldn't have bought us happiness. We'd still be in the same situation -- except our bills would be paid and my boobs would be bigger," Lauren said in an exclusive interview with The Post from their Pierpont, N.J., apartment, where they both still live together.

Lauren, 26, and Frank, 24, married two years ago after a quick, 8-month courtship. She's an aspiring actress who works part-time at a hair salon. He's a rookie cop of the NYPD. The couple eloped a month after they were engaged and were married by a justice of the peace.

One interesting tidbit -- Frank already knew about Lauren's affairs before the show aired, which is partly why they're so at ease with each other now, even changing friendly barbs.

Cracked Frank, "I mean, why couldn't she have gone on 'Deal or No Deal'? All she'd have had to do was pick a number."

The couple has had problems for at least a year, but had kept it from their families.

"There was nothing revealed on the show about our relationship that we hadn't already put on the table; we've been having problems for a year, there's already been a lot of talking and confessions and hurt. But we didn't really discuss it with our families."



Thursday, February 28, 2008


Well boy and girls, everyone’s favorite poker player had another rough night last night. I ended up 7th, and really was never a factor. I left when there was still 6 players battling it out at 12:30, but apparently Mike Triola defeated Neil Martucci heads up to give Triola his 2nd FA event win, and Neil his 2nd runner up this year. I have no information regarding the “bad beats” and “unlucky breaks” I am sure everyone who didn’t win will feel the need to explain, but I have no one to blame for my finish but myself.

I’m always happy to see some Brooktown Alumns place well, and last night 3 out of the 4 cashing were Brooktown faithful, as Jay Fern took home 4th.

I vowed not to play scared and play my normal game, and looking back, there were a couple of hands where I realize I didn’t max out the potential winnings from the pot. Two hands in particular, where I actually had full boats (albeit not the nut boat), rather than raise, or make a play for the pot, I called some marginal bets in front of me, and although I won the pots, I could have picked up a couple of hundred more chips had I at least raised after the river.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t finish 7th because I didn’t bet those rivers, as the extra thousand chips or so I would have picked up wouldn’t have made much difference, but I’m all about mindset, and confidence and positive reinforcement, and even in winning those pots, my failure to bet was making me realize I was not trusting my reads, or even making any reads, so once the cards started to cool off, I simply died a slow death, and whimpered out in 7th.

It’s been a tough run of poker for me the last couple of months, as I have not even been a factor, even with a few cashes along the way. In a way, I think I’m happy to take a little break from Hold ‘Em (although we will be at the Borgota next Wed. March 5th for Rich Southard’s championship tournament) and take my shot at a few of the more exotic games (7 stud hi/lo in Brooktown, and PL Omaha in the FA league).

I’m yearning for a night of 8 or 9, 4 player, $5 tournaments to get my head back in it and get myself thinking and feeling the cards rather than sitting there waiting for them come to me.

As of right now, the FA standing are as follows:

Player Points

Martucci 1700
Chachko 1550
Gilmartin 1400
Triola 1125
Fern 1100
Corrigan 1000
Lucash 1000
Turner 500
Brucato 400
Montone 400
Southard 300
Busco 250
Farro 250
Hamlin 150
Schlenger 150
Costello 125

and with 7 players qualifying for the final table, I’m already way behind. I satellite of Rich Southard, Rick Turner and John Busco, only makes it more likely that unless I get things turned around in the next month or so, I’ll be sitting home the night the FA league plays it’s league championship.

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Tonight is event 2 of the “FA” league. A league where I finished a disgraceful 15th out of 15. Needless to say I get ready to play this event with the additional stress of needing a strong finish to make up for the total collapse last month.

I’m going into this event focused, prepared, and a little bit sleepy, but definitely ready to make up for the bad showing.

Now, no one has said more times than I have, that you can play perfectly, not make a single mistake, get good cards, and simply have one guy get lucky on a river, making a call he shouldn’t be calling and you go home first again. But I try and minimize risk, and exposure, and build up my chip stack to avoid that exact scenario. I made a move on a player who bets with anything, I unfortunately chose to make a move with top pair, when he hit his trips. It happens, I made a move I didn’t think would hurt me, and it did. I will not go into tonight questioning that move, and I would feel strong making it again, if my reads tells me I am ahead. The only thing I regret was having the 2nd largest stack, and making a move against the bigger stack.

Oh well, if I was right, I probably would have ended up riding that huge chip stack right to a 2nd place finish, which after last month, would sit OK with me tonight.

I’m on my way…..

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According to the AP:

Congress asked the Justice Department on Wednesday to investigate whether Roger Clemens made false statements to a House committee.

The chairman and ranking Republican on the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee said they sent a letter to Justice.

"We believe that his testimony in a sworn deposition on Feb. 5, 2008, and at a hearing on Feb. 13, 2008, that he never used anabolic steroids or human growth hormone, warrants further investigation," committee chairman Henry Waxman and ranking Republican Tom Davis wrote. "That testimony is directly contradicted by the sworn testimony of Brian McNamee, who testified that he personally injected Mr. Clemens with anabolic steroids and human growth hormone.

"Mr. Clemens's testimony is also contradicted by the sworn deposition testimony and affidavit submitted to the committee by Andrew Pettitte, a former teammate of Mr. Clemens, whose testimony and affidavit reported that Mr. Clemens had admitted to him in 1999 or 2000 that he had taken human growth hormone."

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008


It's amazing to see this woman destroy her marriage on national TV for the chance at $100,000.

I love how the show just rewords the question after the buzzer was pressed, and then after destroying herself, she loses it all on a seemingly simple question, "Do you think you're a good person?"



Out of the 3 presidential candidates still running for office, the last one I want to see win is Barack Obama, but to have him paraded throughout the media like his is some Muslim bad guy, makes no sense to me at all. Believe me; I get the whole anti-Muslim 9/11 thing, but if I remember correctly, the people who conspired to destroy America and to bomb NYC and Washington were Muslim extremists. NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE BAD PEOPLE.

Why should seeing Obama dressed in some Muslim garb all of a sudden scare people into thinking this is a bad thing for our country? Do people think he is going to win the election and immediately start funding terroristic activity? Do people think he is going to sympathize with terrorists and promote this type of extremist behavior? No…what these types of knee jerk reactions continue to reinforce is just how ignorant people are (remember my questioning the man on the street rant).

They see a quick new tease and react as if the tease tells the whole story (“hic cups can cause cancer”, “Your car may slowly be killing you” “Barack Obama supports Muslim activity”), people suddenly make assumptions based on few facts and any type of common sense.

Guess what…I support Muslim activity. Just as I support Christian activity and Jewish activity and any type of activity that promotes peace and harmony and working together for the greater good.

Again, I don’t want to see anyone vote for Obama, in my eyes he’ll be a modern day Robin Hood, taking from the rich and giving to the poor, and I don’t see any positive affect he’ll have on my life, but anyone who simply says, “Well I’m not voting for him because he wore a turban and is a Muslim” shouldn’t have any say in the decisions that my country makes.

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Saturday, February 23, 2008


This whole Mets-Phillies rivalry is getting pretty funny don’t ya’ think. I understand the owners and the league and the media want nothing more than to try and create some type of Yankee-RedSox thing down here, but I don’t know. I mean these teams have been in the NL East together for nearly 40 years, and last year was the first time I could remember both teams being good at the same time for it to matter.

In the golden Phillie era of 1976-1983 the Mets were a disgrace, and during the Mets Dynasty years of 1986-1986 the Phillies finished 22 games out of first. Last year there was no race until the Mets lost 12 of their last 17 games and the Phills came out of nowhere to win a division that was handed to them on a silver platter.

So now we have reports of Jimmy Rollins and Carlos Beltran’s guarantees, of fights, and of bad blood, but you can’t force a fight, and you can’t force a rivalry. The Yankees and Red Sox are pure, the fans hate each other, the teams haes each other and the cities hate each other…I don’t even know a Phillie fan for me to hate. I can’t even think of a Phillie fan celebrity whose movies I can start to dislike (yes, I’m a big Matt Damon and Jimmy Falon fan) so until both these teams can show a little consistency, and actually battle for a few divisions, this is still just a bunch of BS to me.

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Why..please tell me why, the news, and I mean print, and television, have this insatiable need to interview the man on the street? I have never gotten any information, learned anything valuable, or made a decision based on what Fred from Yonkers adds to a story. FOX 5 news is the worst, and they even add a part on the news every night where they ask viewers to email their meaningless opinion on the topic of the day (which is usually not even an interesting or relevant topic), and then spend time reading these inane comments.

The Post really stepped it up this week, after a report came out that statistically, Derek Jeter was the worst fielding shortstop in baseball over the last couple of years. From the Post “According to researchers at the University of Pennsylvania using a complex statistical method, they concluded that Alex Rodriguez was one of the best shortstops in the game when he played for the Texas Rangers. Researchers looked at every ball put in play from 2002 through 2005 and recorded where the shots went. Penn researcher Shane Jensen said a player's success depended on his range as well as how effectively he made decisions and positioned himself on the field. Players were then ranked in each position from best to worst, with Mr. New York Baseball - Jeter - coming in dead last among major league shortstops during the research period.”

The Post’s headline was YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING! So immediately the Post did the best thing they could think about to get to the bottom of this ludicrous story…did they analyze the numbers?….NOOOOO, did they explain and try to see if the numbers were flawed?...NOOOOO…did they do their own report with their own stats?....HELL NOOOOO….they took to the street and asked Yankee fans what they thought.

"I don't know what they're smoking down at Penn," said Yankees fan Mike Birch, 32. "That's preposterous. I completely disagree. Jeter's a clutch player."

Ummmm. Yea Mike his is VERY clutch, but the statistical analysis says he’s not a great fielder…

"It's ridiculous," said fan Jay Ricker, 22. "Jeter is all-around awesome. He's better than A-Rob any day. Character has a lot to do with it. He's out there for his teammates, not just himself. He does it for the good of the team. That's the kind of guy you want on the field."

Again, NY Post, can we try and keep these guys on point, I agree Jeter has great character, but what about his fielding? I mean he won 2 gold gloves and now these people in Penn (Red Sox fans I’m sure) are saying he’s the worst fielder in the league…

Frank Angelo said. "He's a good fielding shortstop." He even said he would keep Jeter at short. "Jeter's the captain, he was there before A-Rod, said Angelo.

Ooooooh…Frank cleared that up for us, Jeter was here first AND he’s the captain, it doesn’t matter who’s the better fielder, it matters who was here first, with that theory, shouldn’t Bobby Meachem still be the Yankee shortstop?

Listen to me…people are generally stupid…people with opinions are even stupider…people who email the news at 10:15 at night when the questions is “Do you think the MTA should raise the Subway Fare” are bordering on insane. Please, lets stop asking people walking around NYC at 2:30 in the afternoon what they think, I mean they should be at work anyway not strolling the streets all free and ready for an interview with Curtis Sliwa’s ex-wife.

This has to stop, but it won’t. And, as for you cynics thinking this entire topic was just a ruse for me to get a mention in about that Jeter awful fielder report without calling it JETER IS LEAGUE’S WORST FIELDING SHORTSTOP, well the best way I can think about getting to the bottom of that is to ask the readers, …please use the comment section below to answer this question:

Was this entire topic just an excuse to point out the report that claimed Jeter is the worst fielding shortstop in Baseball? What do you think?


Thursday, February 21, 2008


Is there any doubt February is the worst month of the year? I mean, OK, there’s Valentines day, which is nice, and we get a day off for President’s Day…there was even fat Tuesday which gave us some nice cavetelli, and Ryan’s Birthday closes out the month, but c’mon…the weather is nipply, there is nothing sports-wise to watch on TV, (Neil and I were forced to text back and forth about a car race for 5 hours last Sunday) and think about those poor guys who have to rent an apartment…they still have to pay the same monthly amount for only 28 days of actual “renting.”

Another example of the man keeping you down (I don’t know how that applies but I’m not sure where I’m trying to go with this post so I just threw that out there).

I think I was trying to talk about how Feb. is even a bad month for blogging. It’s so crappy, that I don’t even have any relevant or interesting topics (obviously since this topic/post is about having nothing to say) to ramble on about.

We did have the Clemens nonsense, which made for a couple of interesting days, and it’s nice that CBS gave us a special Big Brother (although I don’t know anyone who likes the couples concept), but with still more than a week to go, it feels like we will never get to one of the best months of the year…MARCH. Now don’t get me wrong, March is no July, but at least spring training is up and running, the NCAA tournament gets started, and the ESPN zone is one of the fun events of the year. The weather starts to get warmer, the days a little longer, and opening day is March 25th. Now that’s a glorious month.

As for poker, next Wednesday is the 2nd FA event, and after the first one, in which I was first out, I’m feeling the strain of having to post a big finish or be way behind with 1/3 of the events played. I’m working on some thoughts for the Brooktown 7 card stud event, but we’ll get to that once dreary, gloomy, crappy February is over.

(Did I really just post an entire blog talking about good month vs. bad month?)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It's been a nice week as Roger has finally decided to lay low and not hold press conferences that he storms out of, or to post you tube videos that say nothing, and finally stop sending out 18,000 word essays on why his stats prove he didn't do steroids. Maybe we'll never know that truth, and never find out if Andy really misremembered, or if Roger is just another in the long line of arrogant, successful, lying public figures, (Pete Rose, Marion Jones, Bill Clinton) that deny, deny, deny, until sooner or later the facts and the truth come out and we get the to little to late apology.

THE COVER UP IS ALWAYS WORSE THAN THE CRIME. Clemens will find this out one day, oh I guess at sometime in the next 4 or 5 years we’ll get the standard apology statement…let me write it for you Roger, or maybe you can just use the one that Marion Jones guaranteed she would never have to use:

“It’s with a great amount of shame that I stand before you and tell you that I have betrayed your trust,”
“I have been dishonest and you have the right to be angry with me. I have let (my family) down. I have let my fans down, and I have let myself down,” “I recognize that by saying I’m deeply sorry, it might not be enough and sufficient to address the pain and hurt that I’ve caused you.
“Therefore, I want to ask for your forgiveness for my actions, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Sooner or later we’ll get this speech from Roger, and I won’t have the to say “I told you so” I’ll get enough satisfaction from seeing that arrogant SOB squirm and make excuses, and hopefully take his “rear end” that he worked so hard on, back to Texas, and I won’t give a “rat’s ass” if I ever have to see him, or hear from him again.

Hopefully Roger’s kids DON’T follow his example. And maybe, just maybe, one day Kody will be at the plate against some pitcher, full of the drug, or performance enhancer of the future, with a vendetta against him who decides to maybe just get a bit reckless with a high hard one, and hopefully Kody will follow Mike Piazza’s example and handle it with class and respect unlike his dear old hard working daddy did, and still does.

Good bye ya’ll

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Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I just listened to 4+ hours of fascinating and riveting radio. Anyone who listened to this KNOWS Roger Clemens lied. This is not even debatable, so I’m not even going to get involved with pointing out all the stupid, unrealistic, and blatant inconstancies with Rog’s story. Don’t get me wrong, McNamee is no saint, but he has no reason to lie. Roger has millions and millions of reasons.

But….I am embarrassed to be a Republican today. As I was listening to some of these politicians throw softballs at Clemens it just infuriated me, but then, when it was over, to look up who these people were and notice one after another was a republican, and that they refused to ask Roger anything other than what type of work out regime he used, was just a disgrace. I guess all those autographs and meet and greets last week must have included a ton of reminders or promises about Roger’s past contributions to the Republican Party.

The fact that even something like this has a line that is so clearly drawn by party affiliation shows really what is wrong with this country. These politicians are not looking out for the good of the country, or the people, they are all about their own good, their own grandstanding, and getting re-elected.

When I woke up this morning I was all prepared to listen to Clemens lie and lie and lie, and while I thoroughly enjoyed hearing him get creamed, I walk away with a bitter taste in mouth for how this country is run, and the “people” we have in place running it.

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Since he's under oath, I'd love to hear one of the Congressmen ask Roger what was he really thinking when he threw that bat at Mike Piazza?

He didn't really think that was the ball, did he?

Oh wait....he'd lie about that answer too wouldn't he?

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Tuesday, February 12, 2008


According to ESPN:

Andy Pettitte's affidavit helps to support Brian McNamee's version of events that the former trainer gave Roger Clemens steroids and HGH, Rep. Tom Davis told Newsday.

Although Pettitte won't testify at Wednesday's hearings, the left-hander's affidavit will be presented to Clemens at the hearing and will be part of the public record, the newspaper reported.

Asked whether Pettitte's desire to skip the hearing was a sign that his testimony was incriminating to Clemens, Hardin said, "it would be a huge mistake to assume that."

Sources told Quinn that Pettitte was not a good witness when he appeared before congressional lawyers during a sworn deposition on Monday. Pettitte often contradicted himself, the sources said, so the committee agreed to his request not to appear before the committee.

Lawyers familiar with the hearings would not say if Pettitte implicated Clemens as a steroids user in his testimony. However, they said that Pettitte's testimony didn't fully jibe with Clemens' versions of events.




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Monday, February 11, 2008


Check out the lovely Mrs. Clemens' website

Man oh man, Rog and the Mrs. sure have a heck of alot of junk to hawk. I guess anything that tarnishes that pristine image sure could cost them a few $$$.



The Ohio State Buckeyes uberblog Men of the Scarlet and Gray, was kind enough to give us a breakdown of superfreak Vernon Gholston, which they posted on their site the other day.

Here’s the MotSaG man-crush’s relevant information:

  • Height: 6′4″
  • Weight: 265 lbs.
  • Bench Press: 455 lbs.
  • Bicep circumference: Unknown (The Cray supercomputer on west campus is still working on that number)
  • Lawsuits pending: 1, against NBC (Vernon claims that Law and Order are the trademarked names of his left and right biceps)
  • 2007 TFL’s: 15.5
  • 2007 Sacks: 14
  • # of mothers of said QBs who felt a sharp pain in their uterus after their son was sacked: 14
  • # of QBs he made to fill their shorts with excrement: 28 (includes the backup QBs who were watching game film)
  • Number of patents he holds: 1 (his sweat is collected into cans and sold under the name Red Bull)
  • Records: Single game sacks - 4, for minus 32 yards (the QB is recovering nicely, btw), single season sacks (tie - Mike Vrabel).
  • Moves it takes him to win a Connect Four game: 3

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(sung to Billy Joel's Allentown)

Well we're living here in middletown
and I'm wondering how all this went down
Out in Jackson they are having fun
dealing the cards
til they see the sun.
Well I used to get to go and play
Until Shari came and took it away.
Scolding me just like I am her son,
look at me miss,
miss all the fun.
And we're living here in middletown.

But the restlessness was coming around
So I took my foot and put it down!

Now we're waiting here in middletown.
For a new jersey we never found.
For the fun that I used to play
wanna hangout
with neil and jay.
But the dog or kids got in the way
from an earache cause by toothpaste.
So I'm sitting on my couch at nine
while jay and neil have a good time.
Maybe I will give them a hex.
I'll send it in the form of a text.
I'm crying and my eyes are puffy
they had better be missing mcsnuffy
next time I swear that I'm in,
until the wife makes me cancel again,
and I'm living here in middletown.


Roger Clemens meet and greet with congress

First off let me start this by saying no one wants to see Roger Clemens embarrassed and sent home with his tail between his legs, more than I do. His arrogance and deplorable behavior through out the last 10 years or so disgust and enrage me. The way he handled the Mike Piazza incidents is an absolute disgrace, and his phony love of Babe Ruth (who I think is the greatest player of all time) is ridiculous. So needless to say there is nothing objective about this post. If you're a Clemens apologist, just stop reading now and move on to the next rant which I promise to make all giggly and fun.

What I don't get is, why would Brian McNamee, lie?

With all that said...(and now that Neil is the only one left reading) what is with this tour of congress? He is out there signing autographs, meeting and greeting with POTENTIAL JUDGES AND JURORS...I have never heard of or seen anything like this. The Mitchell investigators asked Clemens to stop by and speak to them before the Mitchell report was issued. Clemens refused. But now they can't get Clemens to stop meeting with people to tell his side of the story. There has to be no other option after Wednesday, when he swears on a stack of bibles that he is clean, that the Justice Department must open a criminal investigation into Roger Clemens' denials.

Look at that picture above, fake hair color, check, fake tan, check, fake boobs, check, fake husband, check, FAKE BODIES DUE TO MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF STEROIDS AND HGH, check. Again tell me why I'm supposed to believe he is telling the truth? Is it because he was a Yankee for 3 years...if he pitched his whole career for the Red Sox and won 2 World Series and 350 something games would anyone in NY be giving him the benefit of the doubt? Cumon...

Now on the other hand Brian McNamee has produced the "smoking gun" against Roger Clemens....except, to me, it proves nothing. All I have to do is look at a 45 year old man who is twice the size as he was 10 years ago (same as Barry Bonds) and I see him throwing harder and pitching better than he did when he was in his prime, and I see everything I need to see. Plus the louder and harder he yells to say he's telling the truth, shows me he's just trying a little to hard to make you believe that just because he "worked his rear end off" he deserves to have us believe him. And this isn't because he's a Yankee, because to me he isn't a Yankee, he was a jerk with the Blue Jays, and an idiot with the Astros.

Speaking of idiots, it's great to see that good ole' Rog hired an attorney who is as big a clown as he is. Rusty Hardin says of the IRS investigator who plans to attend Wednesday's hearing: "If he ever messes with Roger, Roger will eat his lunch." Nice, real smart, threaten the guy from the government with endless resources...maybe Hardin is the smart one after all, the more work he has to do for Roger, the more hours Hardin can bill Clemens for.
How great would it be if a sex tape would come out with Derek Jeter and Roger Clemens’s wife. OK sorry I couldn't resist...I'm just trying to get some more google hits. Brittney Spears, Lindsy Lohan.

On Wednesday, Roger and McNamee's testimony is meaningless, but Pettitte's is not. We don't know what Pettitte told them last Monday or what he will say at Wednesday's hearings. The speculation in Washington is he backed up Brian McNamee's story more than Clemens' story. Pettitte has told people around the Yankees that he simply told the truth (would we expect anything less from a quality guy like Andy?).
But, If Pettitte says Wednesday that he and Clemens had conversations about human growth hormone and Clemens admitted using it, what will Clemens do then? Attack Pettitte's credibility? You are damn right Clemens would, and then lets see all the Yankee apologist line up and pick a side in this one... I tend to think Roger's fan base will diminish pretty quickly.

There is only one question I want to hear the answer to, and only one guy I want to here answer it:

Mr. Pettitte, did you have conversations with Roger Clemens about HGH and did Roger admit to you he used it? The answer to that one should be way better than the Jeter sex tape!

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Thanks again to Jay for hosting the 3rd poker event in his house in the last 60 days or so. He always says "that's what the basement is for" and it's hard to argue with him. He even put out the blue cheese (or is it ranch, I always get the white creamy sauces confused) and the duck sauce and no one spilled any of it.

No Limit Hold 'Em...I have to say, it has really gotten pretty competitive, we have played it 14 times now in BROOKTOWN WSOP history and in any given month, just about anyone can finish in any place. This month, 2 of the top NL Hold 'Em players in Brooktown, if not the world, finished 10th and 12th (Jay and Rich). Jim Martucci had his best showing in over 2 years (not counting the satellite) and Stan, who was the self proclaimed "Hottest player in Brooktown" was gone in 11th place.

Neil, Scott any myself were all seated at the same starting table, and any of us could have easily been out in 10th or 11th place, having been all-in and short stacked a number of times, but "luckily" we all held on. Mike Triola had built up a nice chip stack and was playing very well pushing players around and making things happen, but after the merge, the cards went cold and Mike's quest for that ever elusive 1st Brooktown win, will have to wait at least another month.

At the other table, January winner Bob Darakjy, was again the first time to rebuy, but this time it didn't work out like it did in January as Bob was the 2nd man down. Jay's A3 lost to an A2 when the 2 fell and I know JMAC had a ton of chips early (doesn't he always) but he was 1st man out after the merge.

As a matter of fact, none of this month's top 4, Scott, Neil, Mark and Triola didn't finish higher than 10th last month, and last month's top 4, Bob, Mangine, Jay and Stan, didn't finish higher than 9th this month, making for a no clear cut leader in the points (and top 6) battle.

As Jay showed us last year, and Rich the year before though, until August or September roll around, you're never out of the hunt to avoid the dreaded satellite table.

Next month we play 7 card stud where again, anything can happen. With only 25 days to go until March's event, it's just about time for me to log on to full tilt and figure out a way to increase my luck and win a poker tournament.

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In order to join the league, go to click the "Sign Up Now" or "Get Another Team" button and follow the links to "Join a Custom League". When prompted, enter the League ID# and password below.

League ID#: 32410
Password: ClemensLied

Jay Fern is the defending champion as we enter the 14th season of Brooktown Baseball!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We had the SuperBowl Sunday, and now we have Super Tuesday tonight. By early Wed. morning, we should have a pretty good feel for how this is going to play out.

McCain should have the Republican nomination all but locked up tomorrow and Obama and Clinton will probably, well they'll probably be in about the same place they are right now.

Republicans have a lot of “all or nothing” states where second place gets you as many delegates as my boy Rudy got…none. Democrats distribute delegates according to percentage in most places so in theory (and hopefully) it could still be a dead heat at the end of today, which sets McCain up quite nicely to get the good old boy's network political machine revving up against the evil Democratic taxers and spenders while Hil and Bam continue to battle it out and say nasty things about each other and how unqualified their opponet is, until one eventually emerges victorious and the other tells us to forget all the things they said and how great a president the winner will REALLY be.

Omaba feels like Superman today as his "polling" numbers are up all over the country. He's making alot of people believe that he can really win the nomination.

John Edwards has not thrown his support behind either candidate yet, he is still waiting in the wings to be VP, so there is no reason for him to back anyone until he knows which way the wind is blowing. Edwards knows that both Hillary and Barack may need a good old fashioned white male to help sway the group of ignorant people who may suddenly get cold feet when they actually have to pull the trigger to vote for either a Black man or a woman for president. Plus, he's young enough that he can certainly make another run for President at age 2016 after people get used to seeing him in the public eye for eight years.

But you know who is really looking forward to tonight..... Tim Russert. This guy eats this stuff up. He breaks out the whiteboard, he starts counting delegates. This is his prep run for November, and our too...get out the clipboard and the oak tag baby!!!

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Monday, February 4, 2008


I guess illegally videotaping your opponent, wearing that ridiculous hoodie all the time, stealing people’s wives, never being honest on your injury reports, mumbling like a jerk at all your press conferences, being a cocky arrogrant ass in any and all situations, never showing any class or respect for your opponents and peers, and running up the score on your opponents wasn’t such a good idea after all.
The "genius" was out coached and his team was pushed around, and as far as I'm concerned they got what they deserved!!! 4th and 13 from the 31 yard line and the arrogrance makes you go for the first down rather than kick the FG...3 points are not good enough for the Pats when you can get 7 whenever you want. Arrogrant piece of crap HC of the NEP.
Good for the G-men.

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Friday, February 1, 2008


While sitting, lift you're right foot and start making CLOCKWISE circles.

Then, with you're right hand draw the number 6 in the air. You're foot will change direction and you can't stop it.



The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island.

He prayed feverishly to be rescued. Everyday he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed to be coming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions.

One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the sky. He felt the worst had happened, and everything was lost.

He was stunned with disbelief, grief, and anger thinking this just gets worse and worse each day.

Early the next morning, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island!

It had come to rescue him! "How did you know I was here?," asked the weary man of his rescuers.

"We saw your smoke signal," they replied.

The Moral of This Story: It's easy to get discouraged when things are going bad, but we shouldn't lose heart, because you just never know if something that you think is really awful, it may turn out to work even better in the long run!

Next time you are having one of those days where your hut is on fire remember this.
