Monday, February 11, 2008


Thanks again to Jay for hosting the 3rd poker event in his house in the last 60 days or so. He always says "that's what the basement is for" and it's hard to argue with him. He even put out the blue cheese (or is it ranch, I always get the white creamy sauces confused) and the duck sauce and no one spilled any of it.

No Limit Hold 'Em...I have to say, it has really gotten pretty competitive, we have played it 14 times now in BROOKTOWN WSOP history and in any given month, just about anyone can finish in any place. This month, 2 of the top NL Hold 'Em players in Brooktown, if not the world, finished 10th and 12th (Jay and Rich). Jim Martucci had his best showing in over 2 years (not counting the satellite) and Stan, who was the self proclaimed "Hottest player in Brooktown" was gone in 11th place.

Neil, Scott any myself were all seated at the same starting table, and any of us could have easily been out in 10th or 11th place, having been all-in and short stacked a number of times, but "luckily" we all held on. Mike Triola had built up a nice chip stack and was playing very well pushing players around and making things happen, but after the merge, the cards went cold and Mike's quest for that ever elusive 1st Brooktown win, will have to wait at least another month.

At the other table, January winner Bob Darakjy, was again the first time to rebuy, but this time it didn't work out like it did in January as Bob was the 2nd man down. Jay's A3 lost to an A2 when the 2 fell and I know JMAC had a ton of chips early (doesn't he always) but he was 1st man out after the merge.

As a matter of fact, none of this month's top 4, Scott, Neil, Mark and Triola didn't finish higher than 10th last month, and last month's top 4, Bob, Mangine, Jay and Stan, didn't finish higher than 9th this month, making for a no clear cut leader in the points (and top 6) battle.

As Jay showed us last year, and Rich the year before though, until August or September roll around, you're never out of the hunt to avoid the dreaded satellite table.

Next month we play 7 card stud where again, anything can happen. With only 25 days to go until March's event, it's just about time for me to log on to full tilt and figure out a way to increase my luck and win a poker tournament.

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