Wednesday, February 20, 2008


It's been a nice week as Roger has finally decided to lay low and not hold press conferences that he storms out of, or to post you tube videos that say nothing, and finally stop sending out 18,000 word essays on why his stats prove he didn't do steroids. Maybe we'll never know that truth, and never find out if Andy really misremembered, or if Roger is just another in the long line of arrogant, successful, lying public figures, (Pete Rose, Marion Jones, Bill Clinton) that deny, deny, deny, until sooner or later the facts and the truth come out and we get the to little to late apology.

THE COVER UP IS ALWAYS WORSE THAN THE CRIME. Clemens will find this out one day, oh I guess at sometime in the next 4 or 5 years we’ll get the standard apology statement…let me write it for you Roger, or maybe you can just use the one that Marion Jones guaranteed she would never have to use:

“It’s with a great amount of shame that I stand before you and tell you that I have betrayed your trust,”
“I have been dishonest and you have the right to be angry with me. I have let (my family) down. I have let my fans down, and I have let myself down,” “I recognize that by saying I’m deeply sorry, it might not be enough and sufficient to address the pain and hurt that I’ve caused you.
“Therefore, I want to ask for your forgiveness for my actions, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.”

Sooner or later we’ll get this speech from Roger, and I won’t have the to say “I told you so” I’ll get enough satisfaction from seeing that arrogant SOB squirm and make excuses, and hopefully take his “rear end” that he worked so hard on, back to Texas, and I won’t give a “rat’s ass” if I ever have to see him, or hear from him again.

Hopefully Roger’s kids DON’T follow his example. And maybe, just maybe, one day Kody will be at the plate against some pitcher, full of the drug, or performance enhancer of the future, with a vendetta against him who decides to maybe just get a bit reckless with a high hard one, and hopefully Kody will follow Mike Piazza’s example and handle it with class and respect unlike his dear old hard working daddy did, and still does.

Good bye ya’ll

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