Monday, February 4, 2008


I guess illegally videotaping your opponent, wearing that ridiculous hoodie all the time, stealing people’s wives, never being honest on your injury reports, mumbling like a jerk at all your press conferences, being a cocky arrogrant ass in any and all situations, never showing any class or respect for your opponents and peers, and running up the score on your opponents wasn’t such a good idea after all.
The "genius" was out coached and his team was pushed around, and as far as I'm concerned they got what they deserved!!! 4th and 13 from the 31 yard line and the arrogrance makes you go for the first down rather than kick the FG...3 points are not good enough for the Pats when you can get 7 whenever you want. Arrogrant piece of crap HC of the NEP.
Good for the G-men.

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