Thursday, February 21, 2008


Is there any doubt February is the worst month of the year? I mean, OK, there’s Valentines day, which is nice, and we get a day off for President’s Day…there was even fat Tuesday which gave us some nice cavetelli, and Ryan’s Birthday closes out the month, but c’mon…the weather is nipply, there is nothing sports-wise to watch on TV, (Neil and I were forced to text back and forth about a car race for 5 hours last Sunday) and think about those poor guys who have to rent an apartment…they still have to pay the same monthly amount for only 28 days of actual “renting.”

Another example of the man keeping you down (I don’t know how that applies but I’m not sure where I’m trying to go with this post so I just threw that out there).

I think I was trying to talk about how Feb. is even a bad month for blogging. It’s so crappy, that I don’t even have any relevant or interesting topics (obviously since this topic/post is about having nothing to say) to ramble on about.

We did have the Clemens nonsense, which made for a couple of interesting days, and it’s nice that CBS gave us a special Big Brother (although I don’t know anyone who likes the couples concept), but with still more than a week to go, it feels like we will never get to one of the best months of the year…MARCH. Now don’t get me wrong, March is no July, but at least spring training is up and running, the NCAA tournament gets started, and the ESPN zone is one of the fun events of the year. The weather starts to get warmer, the days a little longer, and opening day is March 25th. Now that’s a glorious month.

As for poker, next Wednesday is the 2nd FA event, and after the first one, in which I was first out, I’m feeling the strain of having to post a big finish or be way behind with 1/3 of the events played. I’m working on some thoughts for the Brooktown 7 card stud event, but we’ll get to that once dreary, gloomy, crappy February is over.

(Did I really just post an entire blog talking about good month vs. bad month?)


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