Wednesday, February 27, 2008


Tonight is event 2 of the “FA” league. A league where I finished a disgraceful 15th out of 15. Needless to say I get ready to play this event with the additional stress of needing a strong finish to make up for the total collapse last month.

I’m going into this event focused, prepared, and a little bit sleepy, but definitely ready to make up for the bad showing.

Now, no one has said more times than I have, that you can play perfectly, not make a single mistake, get good cards, and simply have one guy get lucky on a river, making a call he shouldn’t be calling and you go home first again. But I try and minimize risk, and exposure, and build up my chip stack to avoid that exact scenario. I made a move on a player who bets with anything, I unfortunately chose to make a move with top pair, when he hit his trips. It happens, I made a move I didn’t think would hurt me, and it did. I will not go into tonight questioning that move, and I would feel strong making it again, if my reads tells me I am ahead. The only thing I regret was having the 2nd largest stack, and making a move against the bigger stack.

Oh well, if I was right, I probably would have ended up riding that huge chip stack right to a 2nd place finish, which after last month, would sit OK with me tonight.

I’m on my way…..

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