Thursday, February 28, 2008


Well boy and girls, everyone’s favorite poker player had another rough night last night. I ended up 7th, and really was never a factor. I left when there was still 6 players battling it out at 12:30, but apparently Mike Triola defeated Neil Martucci heads up to give Triola his 2nd FA event win, and Neil his 2nd runner up this year. I have no information regarding the “bad beats” and “unlucky breaks” I am sure everyone who didn’t win will feel the need to explain, but I have no one to blame for my finish but myself.

I’m always happy to see some Brooktown Alumns place well, and last night 3 out of the 4 cashing were Brooktown faithful, as Jay Fern took home 4th.

I vowed not to play scared and play my normal game, and looking back, there were a couple of hands where I realize I didn’t max out the potential winnings from the pot. Two hands in particular, where I actually had full boats (albeit not the nut boat), rather than raise, or make a play for the pot, I called some marginal bets in front of me, and although I won the pots, I could have picked up a couple of hundred more chips had I at least raised after the river.

Don’t get me wrong, I didn’t finish 7th because I didn’t bet those rivers, as the extra thousand chips or so I would have picked up wouldn’t have made much difference, but I’m all about mindset, and confidence and positive reinforcement, and even in winning those pots, my failure to bet was making me realize I was not trusting my reads, or even making any reads, so once the cards started to cool off, I simply died a slow death, and whimpered out in 7th.

It’s been a tough run of poker for me the last couple of months, as I have not even been a factor, even with a few cashes along the way. In a way, I think I’m happy to take a little break from Hold ‘Em (although we will be at the Borgota next Wed. March 5th for Rich Southard’s championship tournament) and take my shot at a few of the more exotic games (7 stud hi/lo in Brooktown, and PL Omaha in the FA league).

I’m yearning for a night of 8 or 9, 4 player, $5 tournaments to get my head back in it and get myself thinking and feeling the cards rather than sitting there waiting for them come to me.

As of right now, the FA standing are as follows:

Player Points

Martucci 1700
Chachko 1550
Gilmartin 1400
Triola 1125
Fern 1100
Corrigan 1000
Lucash 1000
Turner 500
Brucato 400
Montone 400
Southard 300
Busco 250
Farro 250
Hamlin 150
Schlenger 150
Costello 125

and with 7 players qualifying for the final table, I’m already way behind. I satellite of Rich Southard, Rick Turner and John Busco, only makes it more likely that unless I get things turned around in the next month or so, I’ll be sitting home the night the FA league plays it’s league championship.

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