Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Out of the 3 presidential candidates still running for office, the last one I want to see win is Barack Obama, but to have him paraded throughout the media like his is some Muslim bad guy, makes no sense to me at all. Believe me; I get the whole anti-Muslim 9/11 thing, but if I remember correctly, the people who conspired to destroy America and to bomb NYC and Washington were Muslim extremists. NOT ALL MUSLIMS ARE BAD PEOPLE.

Why should seeing Obama dressed in some Muslim garb all of a sudden scare people into thinking this is a bad thing for our country? Do people think he is going to win the election and immediately start funding terroristic activity? Do people think he is going to sympathize with terrorists and promote this type of extremist behavior? No…what these types of knee jerk reactions continue to reinforce is just how ignorant people are (remember my questioning the man on the street rant).

They see a quick new tease and react as if the tease tells the whole story (“hic cups can cause cancer”, “Your car may slowly be killing you” “Barack Obama supports Muslim activity”), people suddenly make assumptions based on few facts and any type of common sense.

Guess what…I support Muslim activity. Just as I support Christian activity and Jewish activity and any type of activity that promotes peace and harmony and working together for the greater good.

Again, I don’t want to see anyone vote for Obama, in my eyes he’ll be a modern day Robin Hood, taking from the rich and giving to the poor, and I don’t see any positive affect he’ll have on my life, but anyone who simply says, “Well I’m not voting for him because he wore a turban and is a Muslim” shouldn’t have any say in the decisions that my country makes.

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At February 28, 2008 at 7:42 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

Great post! Couldn't agree any more


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