Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I just listened to 4+ hours of fascinating and riveting radio. Anyone who listened to this KNOWS Roger Clemens lied. This is not even debatable, so I’m not even going to get involved with pointing out all the stupid, unrealistic, and blatant inconstancies with Rog’s story. Don’t get me wrong, McNamee is no saint, but he has no reason to lie. Roger has millions and millions of reasons.

But….I am embarrassed to be a Republican today. As I was listening to some of these politicians throw softballs at Clemens it just infuriated me, but then, when it was over, to look up who these people were and notice one after another was a republican, and that they refused to ask Roger anything other than what type of work out regime he used, was just a disgrace. I guess all those autographs and meet and greets last week must have included a ton of reminders or promises about Roger’s past contributions to the Republican Party.

The fact that even something like this has a line that is so clearly drawn by party affiliation shows really what is wrong with this country. These politicians are not looking out for the good of the country, or the people, they are all about their own good, their own grandstanding, and getting re-elected.

When I woke up this morning I was all prepared to listen to Clemens lie and lie and lie, and while I thoroughly enjoyed hearing him get creamed, I walk away with a bitter taste in mouth for how this country is run, and the “people” we have in place running it.

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