Monday, February 11, 2008

Roger Clemens meet and greet with congress

First off let me start this by saying no one wants to see Roger Clemens embarrassed and sent home with his tail between his legs, more than I do. His arrogance and deplorable behavior through out the last 10 years or so disgust and enrage me. The way he handled the Mike Piazza incidents is an absolute disgrace, and his phony love of Babe Ruth (who I think is the greatest player of all time) is ridiculous. So needless to say there is nothing objective about this post. If you're a Clemens apologist, just stop reading now and move on to the next rant which I promise to make all giggly and fun.

What I don't get is, why would Brian McNamee, lie?

With all that said...(and now that Neil is the only one left reading) what is with this tour of congress? He is out there signing autographs, meeting and greeting with POTENTIAL JUDGES AND JURORS...I have never heard of or seen anything like this. The Mitchell investigators asked Clemens to stop by and speak to them before the Mitchell report was issued. Clemens refused. But now they can't get Clemens to stop meeting with people to tell his side of the story. There has to be no other option after Wednesday, when he swears on a stack of bibles that he is clean, that the Justice Department must open a criminal investigation into Roger Clemens' denials.

Look at that picture above, fake hair color, check, fake tan, check, fake boobs, check, fake husband, check, FAKE BODIES DUE TO MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF STEROIDS AND HGH, check. Again tell me why I'm supposed to believe he is telling the truth? Is it because he was a Yankee for 3 years...if he pitched his whole career for the Red Sox and won 2 World Series and 350 something games would anyone in NY be giving him the benefit of the doubt? Cumon...

Now on the other hand Brian McNamee has produced the "smoking gun" against Roger Clemens....except, to me, it proves nothing. All I have to do is look at a 45 year old man who is twice the size as he was 10 years ago (same as Barry Bonds) and I see him throwing harder and pitching better than he did when he was in his prime, and I see everything I need to see. Plus the louder and harder he yells to say he's telling the truth, shows me he's just trying a little to hard to make you believe that just because he "worked his rear end off" he deserves to have us believe him. And this isn't because he's a Yankee, because to me he isn't a Yankee, he was a jerk with the Blue Jays, and an idiot with the Astros.

Speaking of idiots, it's great to see that good ole' Rog hired an attorney who is as big a clown as he is. Rusty Hardin says of the IRS investigator who plans to attend Wednesday's hearing: "If he ever messes with Roger, Roger will eat his lunch." Nice, real smart, threaten the guy from the government with endless resources...maybe Hardin is the smart one after all, the more work he has to do for Roger, the more hours Hardin can bill Clemens for.
How great would it be if a sex tape would come out with Derek Jeter and Roger Clemens’s wife. OK sorry I couldn't resist...I'm just trying to get some more google hits. Brittney Spears, Lindsy Lohan.

On Wednesday, Roger and McNamee's testimony is meaningless, but Pettitte's is not. We don't know what Pettitte told them last Monday or what he will say at Wednesday's hearings. The speculation in Washington is he backed up Brian McNamee's story more than Clemens' story. Pettitte has told people around the Yankees that he simply told the truth (would we expect anything less from a quality guy like Andy?).
But, If Pettitte says Wednesday that he and Clemens had conversations about human growth hormone and Clemens admitted using it, what will Clemens do then? Attack Pettitte's credibility? You are damn right Clemens would, and then lets see all the Yankee apologist line up and pick a side in this one... I tend to think Roger's fan base will diminish pretty quickly.

There is only one question I want to hear the answer to, and only one guy I want to here answer it:

Mr. Pettitte, did you have conversations with Roger Clemens about HGH and did Roger admit to you he used it? The answer to that one should be way better than the Jeter sex tape!

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