Tuesday, February 5, 2008


We had the SuperBowl Sunday, and now we have Super Tuesday tonight. By early Wed. morning, we should have a pretty good feel for how this is going to play out.

McCain should have the Republican nomination all but locked up tomorrow and Obama and Clinton will probably, well they'll probably be in about the same place they are right now.

Republicans have a lot of “all or nothing” states where second place gets you as many delegates as my boy Rudy got…none. Democrats distribute delegates according to percentage in most places so in theory (and hopefully) it could still be a dead heat at the end of today, which sets McCain up quite nicely to get the good old boy's network political machine revving up against the evil Democratic taxers and spenders while Hil and Bam continue to battle it out and say nasty things about each other and how unqualified their opponet is, until one eventually emerges victorious and the other tells us to forget all the things they said and how great a president the winner will REALLY be.

Omaba feels like Superman today as his "polling" numbers are up all over the country. He's making alot of people believe that he can really win the nomination.

John Edwards has not thrown his support behind either candidate yet, he is still waiting in the wings to be VP, so there is no reason for him to back anyone until he knows which way the wind is blowing. Edwards knows that both Hillary and Barack may need a good old fashioned white male to help sway the group of ignorant people who may suddenly get cold feet when they actually have to pull the trigger to vote for either a Black man or a woman for president. Plus, he's young enough that he can certainly make another run for President at age 2016 after people get used to seeing him in the public eye for eight years.

But you know who is really looking forward to tonight..... Tim Russert. This guy eats this stuff up. He breaks out the whiteboard, he starts counting delegates. This is his prep run for November, and our too...get out the clipboard and the oak tag baby!!!

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At February 6, 2008 at 2:07 PM , Blogger neil m said...

well you were a bit more accurate about that then the football playoffs at least. I still say obama is joe clark from lean on me

At February 6, 2008 at 4:42 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Nice analysis. Read some post-game analysis at

At February 6, 2008 at 5:36 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

good calls. couldnt have summed it up any better myself

At February 7, 2008 at 11:20 PM , Blogger neil m said...

Not bad but I prefer getting my politcal news from people like perezhilton. I especially enjoy the comments from readers.

At February 8, 2008 at 5:58 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

yea, perezhilton is always a great source for political info. he just has the most educated readers

At February 9, 2008 at 10:11 AM , Blogger A Yankee Fan said...

Oh here is where I leave the comments,i've been looking for the comment box for days I found it over'here...good Now I can leave an interesting comment here in the comment box ,I feel a little better now that I located it,at first I didn't see the link to comments but i'm good now so...i'll try to think of something on my next reply...geez dont I feel silly now....


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