Friday, January 18, 2008


Don't get me wrong about my Son of Stienbrenner posts...needless to say there is no love here, nor will there ever be, for the Yankees. But by no means will Omar and the the Mets get a free ride.

This team collapsed as badly if not worse, than the 2004 Yankees, and as far as I'm concerned was a total embarrassment for the last 2 weeks of 2007. They have done nothing to change or add to the team, and the best spin I can put on it is they have learned from the pain of that experience, never to take something for granted and never assume you won or have something when you don't. But even I'm not sure how much I believe that.

I am the biggest optimist, and look at the Mets' team through the rosiest of rose colored glasses, but I've got to be a little worried about a starting rotation of Pedro, Maine, Ollie, El Duque and Joe Appio.

While I go to bed searching every news article I can find about Santanta rumors, and wake up scouring the internet for any hint of what the Twins are going to do, and the Mets are going to do, I'll hold off on bashing Omar and the Mets until that is finaly resolved.

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