Tuesday, January 15, 2008

2008 Presidential Elections

What candidate agrees with you?

Click on this link and answer the questions to find the 2008 presidential candidate that best aligns with your beliefs.

Copy and past your top matches and let's see who the best candidate for the WSOP is.

My Top Match was Rudy Giulani (62.5%)
followed by

John Cox (who???) 56.25
Mike Gravel 55.21
Denis Kuninich 52.08

Other Noteables:
Huckabee was 50%
Obama was a 47.92% match
McCain was at 41.67%
Hillary was 37.50%
Romney was the lowest at 35.42



At January 16, 2008 at 1:29 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

obama 77.34%
edwards 75.00%
clinton 71.88%

then the rest of the dems, giuliani, ron paul, mccain, huckabee, romney, and thompsons last with a measley 0.78%

can we please get kucinich in the white house! haha


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