Saturday, January 12, 2008

First Event of 2008 is in the books

Well...we're off.

And the winner as I am sure you all know by now, is our newest member Bob.

H.O.R.S.E. what can I say....I think I'm a little confused as to how the "real big time" poker players in this world (not Rich and Jay, but Doyle Brunson, Negreanu et al) consider this event "the ultimate test of skill."

Now don't get me wrong, by no means am I disparaging this event, and I am looking forward to playing it again (do I hear requests for playing it twice in 2009?) with a revamped structure as to not have to sit there until 4 in the morning watching people play RAZZ, but until I can get a better feel for how to play RAZZ, Stud, and Stud Hi/Lo, with some better feel for the hands, the odds and the strategy, I'm going to be relegated to sitting there for 4 hours with the proverbial deer caught in the headlights look on my face.

Last night, or actually early this morning, we saw the pitfals (damn I miss Atari 2600 sometimes) of carpooling. Triola was first out and had to wait around for Jay who finished 3rd and Jim was 2nd out and had to sit there until the end as he rode in with 2nd place finisher Richie.

All in all though Brooktown is off to another sold start, I thank everyone for helping keep my house in order and allowing Bosco to drool on most of your legs for the better part of 8 eight hours.

Congrats to Bob on getting 2008 off a great start.

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At January 12, 2008 at 2:01 PM , Blogger Mike T said...

Thanks again Tom for another successfuly year (2007) and for running the league again in 08.

HORSE was a learning experience for all and we had some hands that befuddled everyone. But, I guess with Limit games, you will get the stray bettor/caller on draws of a lifetime.

We also saw some full boats get beat by bigger boats - maybe even Yachts. Those pots were huge and swung the chip counts wildly.

As far as carpooling, I did get two hours of sleep (unlike New Years Eve like others say) and it wasn't even on the hood of a car.

See you all in a few weeks.

At January 14, 2008 at 1:38 PM , Blogger neil m said...

Who said it was successful? No one beat rich, i say that immediately makes it unsuccessful. I must say though i was impressed with the amount of lamination present at the event. I know i haven't told anyone yet but I hate RAZZ


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