Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Son of Steinbrenner

Yesterday, there were a number of reports that the Yankees had pulled their trade offer for Johan Santana off the table. What seemed like less time than it takes Eddie P to drink 7 shots of pineapple vodka, Hank (or Hal, I'm not sure if I know the difference or if it matters) told the AP that the Yankees are still discussing Santana, and according to the daily news, “There’s still a little talk back and forth.

This guy really is priceless, and I'm sure Cashman loves to wake up every morning and read another statement from Son of Steinbrenner revealing his hand.

I mean obviously either you are involved in getting him or you are not. What is the insatiable desire to comment on it? It's great that he comes out every day and says we are still thinking about him, then changes his mind and says we're going to go with the kids, then flips back to say we can get him if we want him..etc....I mean unless I'm new to this, isn't it possible that the Dodgers could call the Twins up, offer their 5 best prospects and acquire Santana tomorrow? Would it not count since 3 weeks ago they said they weren't interested and didn't publicly come out and say "we are still interested?"

Seriously though, we all know the Yankees have the means to acquire Santana at any time, I tend to think if this was 20 years ago and George was aware of what was going on, they would have had him by now, and Phil Hughes would be getting ready to be a .500 pitcher with the Twinkies, but in this new era of Son of Steinbrenner all we get so far is talk, it's time to see some action.

What does this have to do with poker you ask? Well my original plan for this blog entry was that I was going to compare Son of Steinbrenner to a poker player who is always revealing his hand, and thus, never wins. But I couldn't get my thoughts together around that concept so I figured I'd just rant about Hal (or Hank) and chuckle at the insanity of it all. Speaking of insanity, I'm not exactly sure what Omar's plan in all of this is either, more than anyone he needs to make the move so as not to have Jose Lima as the Mets #3 starter next year.

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