Sunday, January 13, 2008

Is Brooktown a "No Limit Hold 'Em League"

As most of you may remember, we considered a couple of possible rule changes to the structure and set up of BROOKTOWN Poker.

One of the suggestions up for consideration, was to have the over all points leader select the final championship game. The votes were a resounding 12-1 against (Stan being the only one that voted for it, with the proposer of the rule even voting against it.) I heard alot of chatter about how we are really a Hold 'Em league above all else.

While is it true that we do have almost half of our events, as well as the two play-off events as NL or PL Hold 'Em, I strongly will argue that this is an all around poker league first, with an emphasis on Hold 'Em. We are modeled after the official WSOP ( with respect to what events they play as well as taking the concept of points and a year end championship from the World Poker Tour ( but I think we have a much more diverse roster of games then both these formats. These two "leagues" are so over loaded with Hold Em events, it makes us look like a RAZZ league.

It stands to reason, at least to me however, that as long as these two entities have such an emphasis on NL Hold 'Em, so should we, both in number of events, as well as "play-off" events.

If anyone is interested in starting, or running, a league of all Hold 'Em, or all 7 card stud, or even Yahtzee, I would hope you would consider inviting me to join, and you can count on me to be there at every event and support the hell out of it.

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