Tuesday, January 29, 2008


After weeks and months, and what feels like years the Twins have moved Santana and Omar and the Mets are the big winner.
The package didn't even include the Mets' top prospect Fernando Martinez or young stud Mike Pelfrey.
They now have a window of 48-72 hours to agree to a contract and as much as I don't want to say you have to agree to a contract with him under any circumstances, THE METS MUST AGREE TO A CONTRACT WITH HIM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
I think the Omar Minaya did a wonderful job and played his cards very skillfully (or you can say he got very lucky and the Twins did a terrible job). No one knows how these prospects will turn out, but a Yankee offer of Phillip Hughes sure seems to be a better option than the Mets' package of Carlos Gomez, Deolis Guerra, Kevin Mulvey and Philip Humber.
Although I love young pitchers, and the Mets did give up 3 of them, this was a no brainer, and after the absolute embarrassment of September 2007 this had to be done.
16 days to pitchers and catchers!!!!

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