Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Who will win more games in 08? Pedro or Joba?

I really believe Pedro’s got one more run in him.

While Joba’s figuring out how to be a starter and having to go through batters 2 and 3 times a night, which is something he didn’t ever have to do when he was dominating as a one-inning guy, Pedro will be making one more run through the National League, winning games with his stuff and smarts. Pedro will win more games in 2008 than Joba – by a wide margin.

Pedro’s arm is healthy and has had a year and a half off. Pedro is also motivated by the need to earn one last big payday. Pedro wants to leave NY the hero is is, and will always be in Boston.

Neither pitcher is going to do very deep in games, and the Mets’ bullpen is better than the Yankees’ specially with Joba not in the 8th anymore (how are they going to get through innings 6-8 without Joba? Kyle Farnsworth? Latroy Hawkins?)

Also the Mets are the better team and are going to finish with the better record. And they play in the National League. Pedro can work a line up, and use 80-mile per hour fastballs against the eight and nine hitters for easy outs. Joba will need to use all of his energy to get through five innings.

Either way, today is Super Tuedsay, as both guys take the mound, for New York, and baseball, it is a very exciting night.

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