Monday, June 2, 2008


Former Twins pitcher, Bert Blyleven did an interview with Yahoo's Big League Stew and right away the conversation was weird. Not as weird as this section on his love of farting though....

Q: Speaking of pride, what about this T-shirt you've been photographed wearing that says, "I [heart] to fart"?
BB: I LOVE to fart.

Q: What's wrong with you?
BB: I'm honest. Have you ever farted?

Q: One or two times.
BB: And did it feel good?

Q: Always.
BB: Probably so. That's why I wore it. I love to fart. I do. When the time is right, I do it. I'm not going to hide it.

Q: You're so blunt about your love for flatulence.
BB: Yeah. Well, someone gave me the shirt because of my history of farting, so I wear it. I LOVE to fart. I think I still have it.

Q: What gets you really gassy?
BB: Anything. The air we're breathing right now.

Q: Should I be ready for something?
BB: I have no trouble. It's not one thing that I eat, it's just passed down from my father. My father was a very good farter. I have a sister who's very good at it, too. Probably better than I am.


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