Thursday, April 3, 2008


Ramiele Malubay has been sent home on American Idol.

Ramiele’s bid to become the first Asian American "Idol" came up a little short.

Hahahahahahahahaha...did you see that. See how I did that, "short" and then the picture...

So, that leaves us 8 singers. We have the Big Four, Little Three and David Archuleta.

Jason Castro, Kristy Lee Cook and Syesha Mercado will leave this month, the order doesn't matter, they are the next three to go. As for Archuleta, I've never been a fan of his, but America has an infatuation with him, so he'll last, but I don't like the sound or tone of his voice, but what do I know, I vote for Natalie from Big Brother 9 each Tuesday to win Idol.

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At April 3, 2008 at 10:41 PM , Blogger neil m said...

snuffy your jokes are getting a little old. hahaha

At April 3, 2008 at 11:01 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

Hmmm. I don't agree. I think Syesha and David Archuletta are both better than Beth and Carly. I like Beth, but she just doesn't have "it". She's yet to give a performance that's blown me away and I doubt she will. As for Carly, I just don't like her. I thought she was good on Tuesday but I want her out. Kristy will definitely be the next to go. She should've went weeks ago. David to win.

At April 4, 2008 at 9:08 AM , Blogger Tom said...

Son of a.....when will I learn? I just never see them coming!

At April 4, 2008 at 9:09 AM , Blogger Tom said...

You are entitled to your opinion, but I do not like the sound of Archuletta's voice, and hte tone is awful. It's like he needs to clear his throat before he sings, or at least sing somehting with a cherrful tone. He should finish no higher than 5th, but will probably last longer than that.


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