Thursday, April 3, 2008

JULY 1, 2010

Only 819 days.

It doesn’t sound like that long a time.

819 days ago it was January 5, 2006. Rich Southard had just won the first Brooktown WSOP title, no one knew what “subprime” really was, Pedro Martinez was probably hurt, and on Lost we were 5 episodes in and had no idea what was going on.

Not much has changed.

So what is so exciting 819 days from now? Well, on July 1, 2010, LeBron James becomes a free agent and will sign a contract to play for the Knicks. Now I know the Knick fans still have two full seasons of preparation (and losing) to endure. They have to be sure not trade away expiring contracts, and they probably have to lose a lot more games, but none of that matter. For the Knicks it’s all about 7/1/10. For now we must simply get rid of Isaiah, and get this roster ready to make room for the greatest player ever to play for the Knicks.

Sorry Clyde and Patrick, but LeBron will be the most exciting, captivating, “must see TV’ thing to hit Broadway since rumors (yes I’m starting them) of Moulin Rouge hitting the big stage.

819 days…19,656 hours….

By then Rich may still be the defending WSOP champion, no one will know what subprime really was, Pedro will probably still be hurt and I’m sure we’ll still have no idea what is happening on Lost.

It’ll be here before we know it.

19,656 hours…1,179,360 minutes.

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