Monday, March 31, 2008


According to In Touch Magazine:
Jessica Simpson is at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles due to a small kidney infection, “She checked in on Friday morning because she was feeling achy and had a fever,” a friend of the family confirmed. Jessica was kept over the weekend for observations and is expected to be released Tuesday morning. “She is doing fine, but she is ready to get out of there,” added the friend. And although Jessica’s boyfriend, Dallas Cowboys QB, Tony Romo wanted to be by her side, he had prior commitments in Dallas. Get well soon , Jess!



Our team is ready to go. That's the message I want to send to you Mets fans as we prepare for today's opener in South Florida. The goal this year is to make our final season at Shea something special and I think we can.

We've had a great spring. Our batting order certainly can produce runs. Jose Reyes has been spectacular in the field and on the bases. Carlos Beltran has recovered from his off-season knee surgeries and has been diving for balls in the outfield, while Luis Castillo is back to normal after his knee operation. I look for David Wright to once again play at his All-Star pace and we expect Carlos Delgado to have a bounce-back year. Brian Schneider adds a good defensive presence for us behind the plate, while I look for Ryan Church to play a solid rightfield.

Our line-up is intact except for Moses Alou, who should be back in late April or early May. Guys like Endy Chavez, Damion Easley and Angel Pagan can fill in for Moises until he returns. You need to have a solid bench to win and we certainly do.

Our pitching has been great all spring. The addition of Johan Santana makes our staff better from top to bottom. Pedro Martinez is healthy and hasn't missed a beat, while John Maine and Oliver Perez, who each won 15 games for us a year ago, are perhaps two of the young star pitchers in the major leagues.

The bullpen will once again be anchored by Billy Wagner, one of the best closers in the game. Aaron Heilman, Pedro Feliciano, Scott Schoeneweis, Matt Wise and Jorge Sosa all can perform in a variety of roles for us.

Orlando Hernandez, Duaner Sanchez and Ramon Castro will start the season on the Disabled List, but should be ready to go not too far into the season. With Orlando Hernandez on the Disabled List, Mike Pelfrey will pitch this Saturday against Atlanta. He deserves the chance.

In closing I want to say one more thing. We all hated the way last year ended for us. For 98 percent of the season we were the best team in our division, but we let it slip away. When I spoke to the team this spring I didn't look backwards that much, I tried to look forward so we can all learn from what happened. The lesson is simple: don't take anything for granted and don't expect things to happen just because you think they will.

The season is here. It's time to make it happen.

Hope to see you back at Shea in April.

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So now I understand why Bobby V is managing over there. I never thought I'd have this on my list of places to visit...but I'm down for this.

As reported on Yahoo:

TOKYO – Emil Brown was trying to decide what he enjoyed most about the trip here to open Major League Baseball’s 2008 season. The people are nice. Nah, too blasé an answer. The food is interesting. Brown might have chosen that had he sampled the delicacies he sees every week on the Travel Channel. He chickened out.

So he went with an old standby, the unexpected pleasant surprise every first-time visitor to Tokyo experiences.

“The toilets are the best,” Brown said.

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Sunday, March 30, 2008


If you haven’t caught this yet I’m telling you it’s the BEST INTERVIEW YOU WILL EVER SEE ON HBO’S REAL SPORTS.

HBO Real Sports recently profiled former Met Lenny Dykstra’s business career after baseball in which he has become according to Jim Cramer, “one of the three or four people who, if they give me a stock tip, I would listen.” It’s currently on being replayed on HBO now, and it’s also On Demand as well. Here’s a clip, but I tell you, you have to watch the whole interview:

Lenny has made millions in the stock market since he retired. He even sold his car wash chain for 55 million, and purchased Wayne Gretsky's house in California for $17 mil.

When he whispers to “get the double” it’s priceless, and his language is, I’d say, a bit rough, but it fascinated me enough to the point of needing to know what the heck Lenny is doing!!!

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Saturday, March 29, 2008


On March 29, 2008 at 8 p.m., join millions of people around the world in making a statement about climate change by turning off your lights for Earth Hour, an event created by the World Wildlife Fund.

Earth Hour was created by WWF in Sydney, Australia in 2007, and in one year has grown from an event in one city to a global movement. In 2008, millions of people, businesses, governments and civic organizations in nearly 200 cities around the globe will turn out for Earth Hour. More than 100 cities across North America will participate, including the US flagships–Atlanta, Chicago, Phoenix and San Francisco and Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto and Vancouver.

We invite everyone throughout North America and around the world to turn off the lights for an hour starting at 8 p.m. (your own local time)–whether at home or at work, with friends and family or solo, in a big city or a small town.

What will you do when the lights are off? We have lots of ideas.

Join people all around the world in showing that you care about our planet and want to play a part in helping to fight climate change. Don’t forget to sign up and let us know you want to join Earth Hour.


Friday, March 28, 2008


One week from tonight is event # 4. No limit Hold Em.

The event will be held at JMAC’s in Spring Lake, and as usual we’d like to start by 8pm. Please let me know who will be attending. Below is the blind structure and starting chip counts.

Be sure to visit our websites for additional information.

Event Overview – NO LIMIT TEXAS HOLD ‘EM


The game is No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em.


Maximum number of players - 16.
Minimum number of players - 3.
Chip Value:
White 25
Red 50
Green 100
Blue 250
Black 500


The initial buy-in is $40. This will purchase 3,500 in tournament chips. These chips have no monetary value.
A player may add-on at any point in the tournament prior to the first hand of round 5. Each player is allowed up to 1 (one) add-on in this tournament.
Add-on are $20 and will purchase 1,750 in tournament chips.

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Joe Appio passed this on to me, and it's something we all should watch, and think about.

Most people imagine that when they succumb to the inevitable and utter what must be their "last words", they will have time for little more than a brief, faltering sentence. If they are lucky, it will be shared with a few close family members before being just a memory.

Professor Randy Pausch is not most people, though. He is a happily married man with three very young children. He spent years working for Disney as an Imagineer who helped them develop some of their theme park attractions. He then went on to teach at Carnegie-Mellon University in Pennsylvania where he still is to this day. In September, the previously unknown computer science expert delivered a remarkable lecture to students at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

At the center of Pausch's remarkable tale is "The Last Lecture," whereby teachers are asked to imagine they're near death and must therefore sum up the entire collection of wisdom they wish to pass on to their students in a single lecture. Pausch, a 47-year-old father of three, didn't have to imagine anything when he gave his own "last lecture" on 18 September. He had just been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer.

In a little over an hour, to a packed lecture-hall, Pausch delivered a deeply moving speech on the subject of "really achieving your childhood dreams." The optimistic philosophy he provided is a timely reminder of how life ought to be lived.

Below is a condensed version he did on Oprah' it, think about it, then go to you tube ( and watch the full 75 minute version. I don't think you'll be disappointed.

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Unlike the other drunk, reckless, wild, female photo ops, who flash everything, everytime they get out of a car, our girl Jess is always aware of her "personals" to cover up.

Just another example of why she's #1.


Thursday, March 27, 2008


Born March 27, 2008!!!!

Comes complete with matching tight black tee shirt.

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"So shall it be said , so shall it be done"

Grand Pooba Fern - March 2008


Snuffgovdiddy March 2005


Wednesday, March 26, 2008


On last night's Wise Guys segment on Inside City Hall, the subject was the personal lives of politicians. Former mayor Ed Koch told NY1's Dominic Carter that when reporters ask him personal questions, he asks them if they have ever committed a ''certain sexual act.'' Because it is a family show, Koch declined to mention the act. But in his interview with Time Out New York's Alison Rosen last August Ed explains...

TONY: Are you gay?
Koch: When was the last time you performed oral sex on your boyfriend?
TONY: Well I'm single now so it was a long time ago.
Koch: See, I don't think you should answer that question. It's an improper question, and so is yours. My sexual orientation is none of your business and whether or not you performed oral sex on your boyfriend is none of my business.


Tuesday, March 25, 2008

So Besides Cocaine And Pot And The Affairs, Totally Clean?

Marijuana?" New York Gov. David Paterson: "Yes." "Cocaine?" "Yes." "You used cocaine governor?" "I'd say I was 22 or 23, I tried it a couple of times, yes."

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I gotta believe that even at 8.99 this isn’t going to sell. But wait, it gets better...
I mean, seriously...Glavine....OK, I can almost understand the LoDuca one, in NY, a couple of those goofy Italian guys that like to hit on 19 year old chicks may think it's cool to walk around with a Paulie LoD jersey, but if there is any Met fan out there that is going to wear even an old Glavine jersey, no to mention buy a new one for $89.97 just has no clue.

I wouldn't use the Glavine one to clean blue stuff up from all over my toilet.

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Monday, March 24, 2008


Now for someone with my simple mind, this is a site that looks like it can kill (I mean entertain) hours upon hours of time. The web site has free streaming full length episodes from all 12 seasons of South Park.

What’s very impressive is that is the official site of South Park, and they are giving this to us without charging us for it. I have not had the time to click on all the areas, but there seems to be much more than just free streaming full length episodes. Looks to me they let you download clips, build your own South Park character, check out the episode guide, read news about the show and probably a ton more useless stuff.

Good for South Park, giving so much back to their fans. People are going to watch anyway and download and swap clips somehow, so its glad to see at Comedy Central have decided to just give it to everyone and not suck more $$$ out of it.

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This from TV Guide –

I'm hearing from an extremely reliable source that a male character on Gossip Girl will be revealed to be of the gay persuasion when the show returns on April 21. Who? Can't say. Won't say. It's too good a surprise.

Any guesses to who it is going to be???

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Friday, March 21, 2008

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Tv in the bathroom

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Monday, March 17, 2008


Please email me at for rules and entry form.

Each entry is 10, and the scoring is as follows:


Most points after all 63 games will win, and if necessary, the tie breaker will be total points in the final game.

All entries must be to me by 10am Thursday morning. Enter as often as you wish.

If you've joined in the past you know that this pool has the best master spreadsheet you will ever receive. By tip off of the first game you will have a sheet with every single pick, or every game of every entry. In 2005 we had 216 entries.


Friday, March 14, 2008


Jose Reyes, Johan Santana and Brian Schneider have teamed up with Charity Wines to raise money for a variety of worthy causes, according to a press release from Clos LaChance Winery & Estate Vineyard located in San Martin, CA.

Reyes, Santana and Schneider join Curt Schilling, Manny Ramirez, Jorge Posada and Bobby Abreu, among other players, by lending their name and image to the bottle, creating CaberReyes (which will benefit the Major League Baseball Players Trust), Santana’s Select (benefiting The Johan Santana Foundation), and Schneider Schardonnay (benefiting The Catching for Kids Foundation).

Wines will be available in retail shops all across the Tri-State area starting mid-May and are expected to sell for $13.

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I've had a few people ask me when we would see some Big Brother and Lost thoughts on the Blog, and while I'm not smart enough to figure out where Lost is going (I do love it) I'm certainly smart enought to talk BB.

To bad the cast isn't very bright.

Big Brother always has its share of idiots, which is one of the reasons why it can be so fun. I’m always fascinated how they have no “true” sense of themselves, their situation, or how America feels about them

Stupidity and religiosity (a word? well now it is) always to seem to go well together on BB and I love the background mocking playing church music when the houseguests are doing their “God” thing.. Last year Amber may have been the most out of touch person ever and her religious stupidity was by far the best…until of course this year.

I searched high and far for the specific “prayer” Josh made out loud wearing briefs in a hot tub and here it is:

"Dear God: I'm now being serious. I'm sorry I've made mistakes. I'm sorry I've verbally abused people. Please help me to be a better person and be able to have more patience to handle all of the evil that surrounds me. I'm sorry that I have basically broken almost every commandment. Please, please help me--please help me on my diet, because I don't think it's going that great. So please help me, give me a sign. I'm not asking for six-packs, but I am asking for at least a flatter stomach. Let me win this game. I could really use this money. I promise I will tithe 10 percent of my funds to the church."

I have so many things to say, I don’t even know where to start. First off cumon... Josh can't even name more than five commandments, and how many has he really broken...three? And I know we see it all the time, but really, who prays out loud while being filmed by dozens of cameras unless it’s a load of crap?

Did Josh really pray for a flatter stomach? YOU’RE IN A DAMN HOUSE NOT HAVING TO WORK OR DO ANYTHING FOR 90 DAYS….WORK THE HELL OUT!!!!

It still fascinates me each week that we have to see the “Who wants to see my HOH room?" thing, and I know I didn’t miss it (because I was so stunned that I rewound it) to hear Ryan say, "At the top of my wish list is to see a picture of Jen in my HOH room." Ummm, isn’t there isn't a picture of her downstairs 24/7 on the memory wall.

Natalie insisted there were three colors on something in the guinea pig cage, but finally admitted that there were four when she counted them on her fingers. I love her, but she didn’t come off to bright last few weeks. Then, she declared that there were 27 blocks, and "27 letters in the alphabet." When she was told she was wrong, she counted the letters and included "and Z" as two.

At least she admitted that she made a mistake and laughed about it. Moments later, though, after saying, "Spelling is one thing I'm great at," she spelled cereal - “C-E-R-E-L."

I hate having to watch the food comp each week...the spelling one was awful, but once the put MEAT up there (which both teams did) why did they spell out: beef, fish, chicken, and turkey???

How great was it last night to see Josh so proudly stating. "I pulled off the biggest strategic move in Big Brother history," well, first of all, no, not even close…and second of all, I guess you didn’t quite pull it off. Since when does a plan really play out as planned? After Chelsia took herself off the block, Ryan ended up nominating James. The house wanted Ryan to put up Matt, (who has already voted for Ryan twice.) "I'm nobody's bitch in this game," Ryan said. HUH?


Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Site plans hundreds of TV shows online

From the Associated Press -, a joint venture between News Corp. and NBC Universal, plans to open its vast online library of ad-supported TV shows and movies to the public on Wednesday, the company announced.

Users of the service will be able to view more than 250 full-length episodes of shows such as "The Simpsons" and "The Office," as well as some 100 movies, including "The Big Lebowski" and "Ice Age."

Short clips from films and TV shows such as "Napoleon Dynamite" and "Saturday Night Live" are also available through the service, which is accessible at, as well as on America Online, Yahoo and other popular Web portals.

The public debut of Hulu, which has been available to a test group by invitation since October, comes as studios seek ways to make money providing online content.

The entertainment companies behind the service have been feuding with popular online video sites such as YouTube, where unauthorized clips from shows often appear.

The programming comes from 50 TV networks, movie studios and Web-based producers of content.

Viewers of some movies and TV shows are given a choice of advertisements to watch.

Billy Crystal to play exhibition game for New York Yankees

According to the Associated Press –

The actor will sign a one-day, minor league contract with the New York Yankees and play in Thursday’s exhibition game against the Pittsburgh Pirates.
Crystal, an avid Yankees fan, will work out with the team on Wednesday and will wear uniform No. 60 for the game—to be played one day before his 60th birthday. The Yankees said Monday they have the approval of baseball commissioner Bud Selig.
“I’ve been waiting 50 years for this call,” Crystal said in a statement released by the team. “I’m overwhelmed by the generosity of the Yankees and commissioner Selig. I know this’ll be tougher than the Broadway Softball League, but I’m looking forward to helping the younger players, which by the way is all of them. Oops, I have to go, Scott Boras is on the phone.”
Crystal, according to the Yankees hit .348 and was captain during his senior year at Long Beach High School in New York. He directed and produced “61*,” a move about Roger Maris, Mickey Mantle and the 1961 Yankees.
“The Yankees are excited to welcome the newest member of our team known for his humor and wit as well as his undying love for the Yankees,” chief operating officer Lonn Trost said.
Yankees manager Joe Girardi, after Monday night’s 4-0 win over Cincinnati, said he hasn’t determined what position Crystal will play.
“That remains to be seen,” Girardi said. “Obviously, it’s kind of exciting. Billy Crystal has done a lot for this organization. He’s always been a big part of it. Our way of rewarding him, saying thanks for everything that you’ve done.”

I think it’s great that Billy Crystal signed a contract to play in an exhibition game against the Pirates. I don’t see the mention of any money going to charity as Garth Brooks did a few years back, but that’s not my concern.

The part that gets me about this “AVID YANKEE FAN” is the movie City Slickers….remember that flick, when Billy played a New Yorker and went to camp to be in some type of a rodeo or whatever silly thing it was. Take a look at that picture up there…what do you notice about this “AVID YANKEE FAN?” Well, it was probably about the late 1980’s, and I’m sure most of this generation’s Yankee fans forget (or probably would never want to admit the embarrassment of being a fan of that team) the Mets were the team in NY, and this “AVID YANKEE FAN” decided it would be better for his movie to be portrayed as a Met fan. So Billy the “AVID YANKEE FAN” wore a Met hat, and passed himself off as a Met fan rather than show his true feelings and admit being an “AVID YANKEE FAN.”

Very disappointing. I don’t see why any “AVID YANKEE FAN” would feel the need to wear a Met hat in that case. I sure as hell know if I saw Jerry Seinfeld or Kevin James wearing a Yankee hat it would sure annoy me that they couldn’t be true to their team, and would feel EMBARRASSED to admit they were really a Met fan.

So Billy, although you were to embarrassed to wear your Yankee hat in the 1980’s, and now that the Yankees have had a wonderful 10 year run, you jumped right back on that bandwagon like a good little Yankee fan, and go 0-3 on Thursday and tell everyone how proud you are to be a Yankee and how they have been your true love your whole life and all the Micky Mantle stories we’re sure to hear… yada, yada, yada. But, like most (no, not all, some of you are there for good times and bad), but like most Yankee fans, I know what hat you were wearing when the Yankees weren’t in the play-offs and winning World Series.

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Saturday, March 8, 2008

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The final order of finish for March's 7 stud Hi/Lo event was:


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Well so much for my predictions (and my poker playing). Bob took home his second win in three months, and neither Rich nor I were anywhere near the top 4. I finished 6th and Rich was the second man down.

It was another entertaining, competitive night, and as always with the limit events, there were a number of chip count swings, JMAC down to his last card and nearly eliminated in 11th, survived and rallied back to finish a strong 3rd, and Ken Bent had a commanding lead at my table for most of the event, only to get cold and end up 8th.

I think is obvious Bob likes to play hands, and looking over the list of 7 card stud winners in the past, Mangine (2), Jim Martucci, JMAC, Southard, Frank (2) and now Bob, there sure isn’t a lot of folding going on in that group. When you look at that list of names and playing style you would figure aggressive play is the key to success (when the cards are falling), and seeing lots of cards is the only way to win in this type of game. It makes me thing that Ken or Scott is prime to win the next (and last) limit event of the year.

Well 3 months in (and 2 limit events out of the way) and now we hit a little run of 5 straight Hold ‘Em or Omaha events. Bob has a commanding lead on the point count after winning 2 events, and I know it’s early, but this year is shaping up to be even closer and tighter than last year. Stan and Triola have also cashed twice this year, but have added an 11th and 14th place finish in the other event respectfully.

2nd thru 10th place are separated by only 350 points and Rich Southard isn’t even in that group. Rich is currently in 11th place, and certainly can’t be counted out yet. It’s all about winning events and avoiding the satellite, and with 8 events still to go this year looks like it’s going to even tighter than last year.

The next event in NL Hold ‘Em at JMAC’s house on April 4th.


Friday, March 7, 2008


Although not a game loved by the masses, I enjoy it, and look forward to an exciting and special night.

I'm actually predicting a top 4 finish from myself, and a win by Rich Southard tonight.

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life is like a slip and slide, the drunker you are the less you care you've ripped it as you slide down


The Brooktown League Poker Trip to AC

First off, I want to say I was pleasantly surprised to see so many people take the day off, and make the trip down to support my insanity, and Rich’s reward for being the 2006 Brooktown WSOP Champion. Granted, I’m not naive enough to believe anyone really took the day off just to support me and Rich and did it in reality because it was a nice trip and poker day in AC, but, I still want to thank everyone for the really nice day. I know Frank and Rich went home big winners, regardless of their tournament results and I although I didn’t win any money I had a really great day.

The tournament was scheduled to start at the Borgota at 11am. It was a $100 entry fee with a $20 fee to the casino. They guaranteed $20,000 would be paid out in prizes. Entrants were allowed to begin signing up at 9am and there would be some late comers and additional entrants added once some players were eliminated in the early rounds (why does this seem to me like the big brother nomination ceremony, where they feel the need to explain what is happening to the people who know exactly what is about to happen?).

As for our group, we had Rich, Frank, Triola, Neil, Stan, JMAC, Jay, Scott, myself and Chacko even took the ride down with JMAC. You would be hard pressed to find a finer group of players.

I was seated at table 14 (there were 29 tables in full to start) and I was able to see JMAC directly to my left, Stan was right behind me and Rich was a table to my right. Jay was a few tables over the right and I was able to see him only because of his beautifully colored shirt. Neil was in another room, apparently placed at a table with people who simply over raised the pot and bet whatever number they saw on the TV regardless of their cards when it was their turn to act (needless to say, Neil did not have a fun table).

311 playeres were entered, and first prize was just over $9K. Not a bad little take home for the day I thought. The rounds were 20 minutes long and after the first break at round 3, all 10 of us were still alive. No one was low on chips, but no one was really very strong either. I think Frank and Triola were just over $20K, and I was at about $16K. It was a very different game (at least I thought so) then we were all accustomed to. My table didn’t have a lot of action, there were very few showdowns, and NO ONE saw flops for free. It wasn’t until round 4 that I made a couple of moves on some pots strictly playing position and guessing that the other players were weak and wouldn’t call my raise.

I was at about $14K when 2 players limped in, and a 3rd player went all and I looked down on the big blind and saw AJ. I called the all in ($2650 more), 1 player folded and the other called as well. The flop came out J 8 4 but all diamonds (of which I had none), we both checked and then the turn came out a 4th diamond. Again we all checked and the river didn’t help anyone as both players had 1 diamond and made their flushes to negate my top pair, top kicker. The all-in player took a nice $9,500 pot that would have made me happy.

I was hovering in the $10-12K chip count when the last hand before the 2nd break came. By now we were all anteing as well as blinds had increased, so there was probably about $2500 in the pot before anyone even got their cards. I had A-5 suited, not a hand I generally care much for, but I was on the button, no one was else was in the hand so I raised the blinds, got the small blind to call and the big blind folded. The flop came up 2 clubs, so after the small blind checked I bet $1000 into a pot of about $3,000. He called. The turn came up a 2nd heart, so now the board was showing 4 non-picture cards, 2 heart, 2 clubs. I bet $1,500 and again got a call. Finally the river came up a useless 2 of diamonds…I bet $2,000 and as soon as I did I hated it. This guy was probably on a draw and there is no way that 2 helped him, but he might have had a mid pair to go with it, and I had just given him a decent price to put $2K in a pot that was now over $10,000. I didn’t think it out, I rushed my bet and I was livid. He took a long time thinking it out, (to long in my mind, he only had about $5K left in chips, I had maybe $8K) until he finally turned over K-6 of hearts with the 6 being paired, (3rd pair), I showed my (weak) bluff, and immediately realized I was lucky that he was a bigger puss than I was.

In reality the biggest pot I won on the day, was probably the hand I played the worst. I don’t have any hands to second guess, I didn’t get a lot of action because my starting hands left me little to no decision most of the day. I survived a few more levels and finally got knocked out with 12 tables left when my all-in (AQ) was called by a QJ for a pot of over $30K and the Jack hit, sending me home earlier than I’d have liked in my first ever Atlantic City poker tournament.

Rich, JMAC, Stan, Neil, Jay were already eliminated, apparently Rich and JMAC were playing table games, I found Neil and Jay working some cash Hold Em tables, and Frank enjoying the tasty tap beers and generous poker machines in the B-Bar. After hitting 4 of a kind in Let it Ride, Frank treated the group to a nice lunch, we had a lot of laughs and I was hope in time for American Idol and Big Brother by 8pm.

Triola and Scott were the last 2 standing and Scott would have probably won the whole damn thing had he not called 2 player's all in bets with a pair of 10's.

I learned a lot about how different it is playing at a table of 10 strangers as opposed to the same group of guys each month in Brooktown and in the FA league. I also think the Borgota does a great job with the event, and I look forward to doing it again.

Thanks again to everyone for a super day!!!

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Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Something like this would never have happened on my watch:

According to the Associated Press:

NATICK, Mass. - A child's birthday party at a Chuck E. Cheese restaurant was cut short after a fight broke out between two mothers. Natick police said the mom of the 9-year-old birthday boy apparently became enraged because the other woman's son was "hogging" an arcade game.

Sgt. Paul Thompson said Catherine Aliaga, 38, and Tarsha Williams, 33, both of Boston, would be summoned into court to answer charges of simple assault and battery stemming from the scuffle.

Thompson told the MetroWest Daily News that police received a number of 911 calls about the fight Saturday night.

He said what started as a birthday celebration turned into a "birthday melee."

Mothers are out of control these days. I would have given each mother 5 free tokens and trust me, everyone would have gotten along.

Just the other day Jared found out I used to have the GREAT JOB of being a manager for Chuck E Cheese (Levittown, NY 1986-1989) and just couldn't comprehend why I would ever leave such a job. According to him we could have gone there every night for free. Just another in long list of unexplainable career choices I guess...

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Sunday, March 2, 2008

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