Saturday, March 8, 2008


Well so much for my predictions (and my poker playing). Bob took home his second win in three months, and neither Rich nor I were anywhere near the top 4. I finished 6th and Rich was the second man down.

It was another entertaining, competitive night, and as always with the limit events, there were a number of chip count swings, JMAC down to his last card and nearly eliminated in 11th, survived and rallied back to finish a strong 3rd, and Ken Bent had a commanding lead at my table for most of the event, only to get cold and end up 8th.

I think is obvious Bob likes to play hands, and looking over the list of 7 card stud winners in the past, Mangine (2), Jim Martucci, JMAC, Southard, Frank (2) and now Bob, there sure isn’t a lot of folding going on in that group. When you look at that list of names and playing style you would figure aggressive play is the key to success (when the cards are falling), and seeing lots of cards is the only way to win in this type of game. It makes me thing that Ken or Scott is prime to win the next (and last) limit event of the year.

Well 3 months in (and 2 limit events out of the way) and now we hit a little run of 5 straight Hold ‘Em or Omaha events. Bob has a commanding lead on the point count after winning 2 events, and I know it’s early, but this year is shaping up to be even closer and tighter than last year. Stan and Triola have also cashed twice this year, but have added an 11th and 14th place finish in the other event respectfully.

2nd thru 10th place are separated by only 350 points and Rich Southard isn’t even in that group. Rich is currently in 11th place, and certainly can’t be counted out yet. It’s all about winning events and avoiding the satellite, and with 8 events still to go this year looks like it’s going to even tighter than last year.

The next event in NL Hold ‘Em at JMAC’s house on April 4th.



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