Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I've had a few people ask me when we would see some Big Brother and Lost thoughts on the Blog, and while I'm not smart enough to figure out where Lost is going (I do love it) I'm certainly smart enought to talk BB.

To bad the cast isn't very bright.

Big Brother always has its share of idiots, which is one of the reasons why it can be so fun. I’m always fascinated how they have no “true” sense of themselves, their situation, or how America feels about them

Stupidity and religiosity (a word? well now it is) always to seem to go well together on BB and I love the background mocking playing church music when the houseguests are doing their “God” thing.. Last year Amber may have been the most out of touch person ever and her religious stupidity was by far the best…until of course this year.

I searched high and far for the specific “prayer” Josh made out loud wearing briefs in a hot tub and here it is:

"Dear God: I'm now being serious. I'm sorry I've made mistakes. I'm sorry I've verbally abused people. Please help me to be a better person and be able to have more patience to handle all of the evil that surrounds me. I'm sorry that I have basically broken almost every commandment. Please, please help me--please help me on my diet, because I don't think it's going that great. So please help me, give me a sign. I'm not asking for six-packs, but I am asking for at least a flatter stomach. Let me win this game. I could really use this money. I promise I will tithe 10 percent of my funds to the church."

I have so many things to say, I don’t even know where to start. First off cumon... Josh can't even name more than five commandments, and how many has he really broken...three? And I know we see it all the time, but really, who prays out loud while being filmed by dozens of cameras unless it’s a load of crap?

Did Josh really pray for a flatter stomach? YOU’RE IN A DAMN HOUSE NOT HAVING TO WORK OR DO ANYTHING FOR 90 DAYS….WORK THE HELL OUT!!!!

It still fascinates me each week that we have to see the “Who wants to see my HOH room?" thing, and I know I didn’t miss it (because I was so stunned that I rewound it) to hear Ryan say, "At the top of my wish list is to see a picture of Jen in my HOH room." Ummm, isn’t there isn't a picture of her downstairs 24/7 on the memory wall.

Natalie insisted there were three colors on something in the guinea pig cage, but finally admitted that there were four when she counted them on her fingers. I love her, but she didn’t come off to bright last few weeks. Then, she declared that there were 27 blocks, and "27 letters in the alphabet." When she was told she was wrong, she counted the letters and included "and Z" as two.

At least she admitted that she made a mistake and laughed about it. Moments later, though, after saying, "Spelling is one thing I'm great at," she spelled cereal - “C-E-R-E-L."

I hate having to watch the food comp each week...the spelling one was awful, but once the put MEAT up there (which both teams did) why did they spell out: beef, fish, chicken, and turkey???

How great was it last night to see Josh so proudly stating. "I pulled off the biggest strategic move in Big Brother history," well, first of all, no, not even close…and second of all, I guess you didn’t quite pull it off. Since when does a plan really play out as planned? After Chelsia took herself off the block, Ryan ended up nominating James. The house wanted Ryan to put up Matt, (who has already voted for Ryan twice.) "I'm nobody's bitch in this game," Ryan said. HUH?



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