Sunday, January 27, 2008


It was a rout.

Obama destroyed Hillary in SC by a larger margin that anyone expected. The Dems move on to super Tuesday now where we will see if the Clinton strategy to get people out of their homes and to the polls by making sure the people aware that there is a divide in this country and going with the old "us vs. them" standard, will pay off. Usually it's palyed out the other way, so it's interesting to see the white candidate play the underdog for once.

I tend to think that next Tuesday will be a fascinating day for anyone watching this with a high level of interest, like I said earlier, I think we are watching one of the best politicians of our generation (Bill Clinton) show you how to win an election, and get people out to vote. Don't fool yourself, running for office is NEVER going to be about policy, about changes a person is going to make (and by the way, Obama's proposals scare the hell out of me, good thing they are only election promises and not things he will ever institute if by some chance he does win), or about the promises a candidate makes. Winning an election is about charisma, charm, looks and words...all which Obama has a huge advantage over Hillary...but the Clintons know what to say, and how to act to make people get involved. Hillary has large lead in a number of the states (specially the big ones) that will be decided on SUPER TUESDAY.

The Republicans have an important battle coming up this Tuesday where Rudy looks to make or break his campaign in Florida. Rudy has been in Florida for weeks while Mitt the Mormon and everyone's favorite grandpa John McCain have been winning states in NH, Iowa and SC. The polls are showing Rudy trailing and in 3rd place, but Florida has some weird rules (shocking) about absentee balloting, and early voting, and Rudy and his people have been getting people to vote and fill out the proper paperwork for him for weeks. Rudy has been working the crowds and for the last 3 weeks Rudy has been getting votes siged sealed and delivered.

To say it nicely, polls blow...lets see what Rudy can do this week, it may be the last chance we have to get the candidate I want into this battle. McCain has the endorsement of just about every major poictician, newspaper and public figure in Florida, yet he still is no lock to win this state. That tells me something about McCain's chances overall. If Rudy can just get a solid showing in Florida, and Romney keeps it tight with McCain Tuesday, Feburary 5ths battle may be more exciting than Superbowl Sunday!!!

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At January 27, 2008 at 3:15 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

make or break time for rudy. huge win for barack last night. it's gonna be a hell of a super tuesday


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