Thursday, January 24, 2008


Dear Tom,
From day one, the liberal media has criticized my strategy of focusing on delegate rich states like Florida. An unprecedented primary calendar called for an unconventional strategy. And it has paid off in a big way.

We are tied at the top in Florida polls, but ultimately this race is about more than rhetoric and flashy campaign ads. I'm running for President because I believe I have the best ideas and boldest vision to lead this country forward. I will get this economy growing again and put people back to work and I will keep us on offense in the Terrorists' War on Us.

With the volatility in the stock markets leaving millions of Americans uncertain about the future, it's important that our next President have experience in turning around an economy in peril and putting people back to work. In New York, I was chief executive of the 17th largest economy in the world, cut taxes 23 times and cut a 10% unemployment rate in half.

I am the strongest fiscal conservative in the Republican field with a proven record of getting results - and I can't wait to transform Washington.

On day one as President, I will send Congress the largest tax cut in American history to revitalize our economy. I will cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 25% to jumpstart economic growth and get people back to work. I have the most comprehensive plan to get our country back on track. But don't just take my word for it; see what groups like the Club for Growth & Americans for Tax Reform are saying:

- Americans For Tax Reform President Grover Norquist: Giuliani's Tax Cut Is “The Largest In History.” Americans For Tax Reform, “Rudy Giuliani Tax Cut Plan,” Press Release, 1/9/08.

- “According To One Economic Expert I Talked To: ‘[Giuliani's] Plan Would Be Huge. It Would Be 4% Of GDP. By Comparison, GWB Tax Cut Was 1.3% Of GDP. Reagan's Was 1.9% Of GDP.'” - Matt Lewis,

- Giuliani's Tax Plan “Would Be The Largest Tax Cut In The History Of The American Republic. Actually, Of Any Republic--Ours, Rome's, Greece's. Just Huge...” James Pethokoukis, “Giuliani's Shock-and-Awe Tax Plan,” U.S. News & World Report's

To read more about my comprehensive plan to turn around the economy, please click here.

Six days from today, the first real delegate prize of the primary season will be awarded in

Florida. The polls show a three-way dead heat and that means I need your help to finish strong. Please forward this email on to your friends and neighbors and get them involved in my Drive2Five.

If you want a President with a bold vision to turn around this economy and keep us safe, and someone with the proven record to get things done, I'm asking for your support.
On To Victory!
Rudy Giuliani

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At January 24, 2008 at 2:28 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

i just don't see giuliani as having much of a chance. i don't think waiting for florida was a smart strategy - it was a desperate strategy. thank god he won't be able to institute those tax cuts

At January 24, 2008 at 2:41 PM , Blogger Tom said...

Yes, God forbid we cut taxes, how would we have enough money to fund all the welfare, food stamps and unemployment programs????

At January 24, 2008 at 6:27 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

haha i can see where you're coming from. i guess we'll have to agree to disagree


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