Friday, January 25, 2008


This is a must win for Barack.
All the polls have him comfortably ahead, but Hillary has shown us before that the polls mean nothing.
Clinton was in South Carolina begging for votes on Friday at a "black college" (Benedict College) where her supporters made sure to state that the state’s presidential nominating primary on Saturday is not about race.

Bernice Scott, a local county council member, who introduced Clinton at Benedict College by saying: “We’ve got to pull everybody together. This is not going to be about gender. This is not going to be about race.”
Not to be silly or skeptical, but um.....yea right. What percentage of people know anything about these candidates except one is black and is a hell of a dancer on Ellen, and one is the wife of a former kinda cool president. Most South Carolinaians are going to wake up, go to the polls and vote only based on gender and race.
David Dinkins, New York’s first black mayor, (and the worst in my lifetime) also was there and said he backs Clinton out of friendship, loyalty and respect for her qualifications.

“Lofty rhetoric is nice but ultimately, you’ve got to govern,” Dinkins said. “We need someone with the capacity to govern, someone who has proven that she has the capacity.”
All he knew about governing was how not to...makes sense he would support Hillary (yea, that's right I said it!!!)
I predict Obama by 5 points in the last good moment of his candidacy, before Hillary takes charge of this race going forward.

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