Friday, June 27, 2008


Now I know alot of people bash these guys and their show, but I for one am a very loyal listener, and would have a huge void in my mid day radio if the pair was to no longer be on WFAN.

According to Newsday the guys have done their last show together and:

Francesa and Russo are believed to have other job opportunities, but to take advantage in the short term, either would have to buy out his deal. Russo's, with a non-compete clause, runs to October 2009.

It is not clear when Francesa's deal expires, but he is not known to have signed beyond this year. An industry source Monday said satellite radio is the likeliest destination for Russo.

Steve Cohen, Sirius' VP of sports programming and a former longtime WFAN staffer, did not return calls. Neither did Patrick Reilly, the company's senior VP for communications.

If Francesa leaves, he could draw interest from TV in addition to radio, perhaps NBC, where he has a local show on Sunday nights.

WFAN staffers have said for months that the relationship .between co-hosts is strained, but neither discussed that publicly until Monday.

The dog seemed genuinely surprised on Monday addressing the report and confirmed on WFAN that he and co-host Mike Francesa feuded for much of the spring, but he insisted their relationship since has improved.

As for me, I know the show gets repetitive, and at times arrogant and condescending at times, but just as I still listen to Stern I will always listen to Mike and the Mad Dog. I grew up listening to them everyday, and there is no place else to go to listen to baseball and football in this country and get some honest, knowledgeable sports views.

They've fought before, hopefully this will pass and they'll be back on the radio together angering all the Met and Yankee fans.

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