Tuesday, June 17, 2008


Ok, so I missed it by one day.

Unfortunately the story today will not be about replacing Randolph with Jerry Manuel and moving forward, it will be about the way this situation was handled, but in reality, it had to be done. This team was under performing and someone had to take the hit. There is plenty of blame to go around, but the team was going south and something had to be done.

Wille ruined my September last year and I couldn't have him ruin my summer this year. He won't be missed, he’ll get another job in baseball, and he’ll ten times more than you and I ever will so I don't really care that he had to fly to California and get let go in the middle of the night.

And as for the Yankee fans calling this classless and embarrassing, mind your business, your organization isn't that far removed from running Joe Torre out of town, and all the Billy Martin insanity.

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