Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I’m not interested in talking about Willie’s non-sense about his race, or about how SNY portrays him or about the fans being mad that he doesn’t get ejected, or that he doesn’t have any fire. Willie needs to understand that the only reason Willie is on the hot seat, the only reason we, as Met fans, are screaming that we need a change, and that Willie is at fault here is simply because of the last 17 games of 2007.

Willie was the captain of the largest collapse in baseball history and he didn’t know how to stop the bleeding. I don’t care if he yelled, I don’t care if he hit Castillo 2nd or brought Sosa in the 9th inning, all I care about is as far as I’m concerned, in 2007, Willie failed. Willie let us all down.

Willie got the credit for taking an Art Howe team that was awful to the play-offs, and one hit away from the World Series in 2006. I was all about Willie, I was defending him for turning us into winners. Well since the 2nd half of last year he has turned us into a .500 team, and when you have this much talent, and this type of payroll, that won’t fly.

I want Willie to do one of two things. Either shut up, stop making excuses, manage and win, or yell and fight with the media, show them you are in charge, and manage and win. None of this wishy washy, I was misheard crap, I don’t want to hear the backtracking and all the excuses, nothing is worse than these guys who say one thing to the media then do a total flip the next day and say they didn’t say it…tell the media to go to hell, I’m fine with that, but you better figure out a way to win 20 of the next 30 or nothing else will matter.

I have absolutely no faith that Willie can turn this around, I believe Willie is to passive and he is to sensitive. He is focused on the wrong things and appears to be overmatchined here. Like I said a few days ago the time is up, Willie has to go, and until this team is 10 games over .500 there is only one score I can give Willie.

Willie current score - 0

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