Below please find the rules for the final event. As you should know by now the final event is No Limit Texas Hold ‘Em and will be held at Jay’s house in Jackson, NJ TONIGHT.
The entry fee is $50 (Ed, Rich, Scott have free entry) and we would like to start no later than 8pm. Please plan on being there in plenty of time to eat, do all the appropriate paperwork and begin the final event ceremonies.
Rich – please do not forget to bring the trophy you have had for the 3 past years, as I will need to bring it in to have Scott’s name and probably yours engraved for 2008.
I wanted to go over the final prize breakdown as well.
14 original entries $100 = $1400
7 Satellite entries $50 = 350
5 final entries $50 = 250
Total Prize pool =$2000
Scott has already won $100 for the point title, and the interest from the original $1,400 will go toward food for this evening.
1st place $1,000
2nd place $ 600
3rd place $ 300
The game is No-Limit Texas Hold ‘Em.
Chip Value:
White 50
Red 100
Green 250
Blue 500
Black 1000
The initial buy-in is $50. This will purchase 10,000 in tournament chips. These chips have no monetary value.
There are no add-on’s or re-buys. Once a player has lost all his chips he is eliminated.
Scott Davis (the 2008 point champion), Ed Pascocello and Rich Southard (satellite event winners) will have no buy-in.
Table assignment and seating is determined a random draw 30 minutes prior to the start of the event. Scott Davis will be the first to have the button.
The two players to the left of the dealer are required to post “blind” bets before seeing their cards. The 1st is the SB and the 2nd is the BB.
If the SB is knocked out, the button essentially goes into his empty seat.
If the BB is knocked out, then the BB moves on to the player who would have had it next and there isn’t a SB on this hand (SB moves into the empty seat). On the following hand, the button would wind up in the empty seat. The player who just had the BB would have SB, and the BB moves on normally to the next player.
When play is down to two players, figure out who would get the BB next if nothing had happened. He will be the BB on the next hand. The SB is always on the button and the other player is the BB.
A timer will be used to time the blind progression. When the timer expires, it should be immediately restarted. The next hand will be dealt at the new blind level. For the purposes of this rule, a hand is considered currently in play once the all blinds are posted AND the dealer has begun shuffling (riffles the deck).
The timer is stopped during breaks. No additional hands at any table should be started during such a break although hands already in progress should be completed.
The player to the right of the dealer may cut the deck before the cards are dealt.
The dealer is responsible for making sure that all bets have been called before dealing each round of card(s).
Order of the deal:
Dealer deals two cards (one at a time) face down to each player.
Betting round 1 occurs.
Dealer burns one card and deals 3 cards (flop) in the middle of the table face up.
Betting round 2 occurs.
Dealer burns one card and deals one card (turn/4th Street) in the middle.
Betting round 3 occurs.
Dealer burns one card and deals the final card (river/5th Street).
Betting round 4 occurs.
dealer fails to burn a card before the flop, turn or river and instead turns the top card immediately face up; the card will be shown to all players and then discarded; the next card will take its place.
player's hole card is exposed due to a dealer error; he may not keep the exposed card. After completing the deal, the dealer will exchange the exposed card with the top card on the deck and place the exposed card face up on top of the deck. The exposed card will be used as the first burn card. If two or more cards are exposed on the deal, it is a misdeal.
player is dealt more or less cards than two, and it is discovered before two players act on their hands; it is a misdeal. If it is discovered after two players have acted; that player forfeits all bets and blinds.
flop has too many cards or cards are flopped before all betting is complete; the entire flop is taken back and reshuffled. The burn card will remain burned and no new burn card will be used.
fourth or fifth card is turned up before betting is complete; the card is not in play. After completion of betting, the next card is burned and the following card is turned up. After betting, the dealer will reshuffle the deck, including the card that was taken out of play, but not the burn card or discards.
Check and raise is allowed.
The minimum bet is equal to the size of the BB.
The raise must always be at least the size of the previous bet or raise.
Any player can bet all of their chips at anytime (ALL-IN).
Betting round 1 begins with the player to the left of the BB.
Betting rounds 2-4 begin with the player to the left of the button.
When only two players are left sitting at the table, the BB is dealt to first, the button acts first before the flop, and the BB acts first after the flop.
Do not splash the pot. Stack your bets in front of you the dealer will rake the bets into the pot after the betting round is complete.
Do not bet, check, call, fold, or raise out of turn.
The final player remaining, in the championship round, with all the chips will be the first prize winner. The last player eliminated will be the second prize winner; the second last player eliminated will be the third prize winner, etc... If two players get eliminated in the same hand, the person who started the hand with the most chips gets the higher finish and awarded the corresponding prize pool for that placement.
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