How to Improve Your Luck
Feeling a little unlucky lately? Want the secret to getting lucky? You have it already - it's you. The secret to improving luck is about perspective, self-belief and erring on the side of optimism. It isn't about winning huge pots of cash - it's about making the most of the wonderful blessings already surrounding you. Here are some thoughts for making your own luck grow.
Use Your Mind. Luck is tied to the power of your imagination. Someone said, "Luck is just probability taken personally". Improved luck will require a lot of personal dedication and hard work.
Prepare. "Luck is when preparation meets opportunity", said Seneca, Roman dramatist, philosopher and politician, 5 BC - 65 AD.[1] If you have the groundwork in place you can take advantage of the opportunities that come your way.
Network. Lucky people know people, lots of people. They don't have to be everyone's bosom buddy but it is the art of being open to many new people that counts. Practice feeling comfortable talking to strangers at events that you attend. And actively listen to them when you strike up a conversation because you will have a lot to learn and they will remember that you appreciated what they had to say. This can translate into opportunities; the more people you meet and the more people you display genuine interest in, the more likelihood of you meeting the right person at the right time who has an opportunity at hand that you want to be a part of.
Trust your instincts. That little inner voice is often right and lucky people know this. You will also know when your "common sense" or "reason" are trying to override the lucky hunch. When this happens, take a moment aside to sit and think things through clearly and uninterrupted. Consider whose voices are speaking to you when you are faced with overriding intuition - is it your own trustworthy voice or is it the voices of others' expectations - a spouse, a boss, a friend?
Take it easy. Anxiety and worry are enemies of luck. They introduce a factor that says "Be very risk averse" and "Whoa there! Hold back now!" You won't be stumbling across luck while you are too busy hiding out. When opportunities come, you need to notice them and you need to seize them. A lucky person believes in now as being as important as tomorrow and much more so than yesterday. Don't be held back by ghosts of failure - they were just learning experiences. And tomorrow will always come whatever happens, so do your best to enjoy today so that tomorrow has a standard to match!
Be ready for new opportunities. The more open you are to novel ideas and new ways of doing things, the more likely it is that you will strike it lucky. Lucky people don't plod along methodically; while that guarantees a safe and secure path, lucky people take the path less known and meet all sorts of amazing opportunities along the way. Put your foot on that path now... try something you have never done before, try something you have convinced yourself you would hate, try something that someone else has suggested you try. Be bold.
Be an eternal optimist. Expect the best. Yes, anyone can do this and why not? It isn't about living with the fairies. It is about being positive and creating the outcomes that you want most. Lucky people are optimistic and they expect that good things will happen to them. Heard the mantra "only good things happen to me"? Well, probably not, as most of us tend to whine "why do all the bad things happen to me?!" Stop it right now and start expecting the best.
Turn sour milk into a smoothie. So the milk went off? Big deal. There are still a lot things you can do with it, so do it. Instead of choosing to wallow and feel rotten about things that go wrong, look for life's lessons in the experience and look for new solutions that grow out of the bad experience. Dwelling on horrible events in your life gives them great power over you, stifling your growth and stomping on your luck. And when you view the world in this manner, even if Lady Luck does call, you're likely to sabotage it because that suits your negative mindset. Avoid the wallowing and kick yourself back into action. Sure, there are times in life when some events really set us back, such as the loss of a loved one, but far better to honor that person's memory by doing things in remembrance of them than using that loss as an eternal unhappiness trigger. It is really important to learn and grow from sadness and hardship rather than to let it harden us and turn us bitter.
Reframe your life. If you perceive yourself as a victim or a hapless flotsam of fate, it is time to reframe. You are a shaper of your destiny and one lucky person. You're lucky to be alive; that's the biggest blessing every single one of us gets. Honour that lucky chance and live your life to its fullest. You'll only be glad that you did.
Never stop learning. This is related to staying open to new opportunities. Unlucky people think their learning stopped at school or university. Lucky people realize that that was just the beginning and that life is one huge university. Soak it all up; even the stuff you find hard, boring, or uncomfortable. It really makes your life a whole lot more exciting and helps you to understand where others are coming from. Aiming to understand a wide range of perspectives makes it easier for you to forgive people and to see their points of view. Knowing this enables you to weave others' motivations into how you approach life and treat them with respect. Which leads to the next point...
Treat people with respect. Lucky people know that other people matter. Respect for others makes you automatically lucky because it stops you from expecting other people's behavior to conform to your own or to ease your way. Instead, you know to respect people for who they are rather than what you wish they would be. And you avoid the arrogance of placing your personality style and lifestyle beliefs above theirs.
Treat the Earth with respect. The Earth gives us food, water, shelter, oxygen and for some people, spiritual fulfillment. Lucky people acknowledge this and care for the world around them as a mark of this respect. Involving yourself with nature by getting outdoors and enjoying it improves your sense of self-assurance as you don't fear its elements but embrace them. In so doing, you increase your luck as you broaden your knowledge and opportunities.
Treat your body with respect As you hone your instincts by listening to your "inner voice", you can also become more in touch with your body awareness. Listen to it. Holistic health practitioners believe your physical, emotional, and spiritual health directly affects how you relate to the world around you.
Do no harm. Lucky people don't use or harm others to forward their own goals. Instead they invite others to accompany them on the journey. While networking, respecting self and others, and caring for the earth around them, lucky people nurture themselves as well as those with whom they come in contact.
Luck is made, not found. And the luck that is "stumbled across" is very often fool's gold in the hands of a person who doesn't know what to do with it. If you believe in yourself and your abilities, and follow the ideas outlined above, you will be in a great position to take advantage of lucky breaks.
Use techniques such as visualization and goal-setting to create your luck. These are not over-used mantras; they are proven techniques to ensure that you remain directed and focused on the things you want for yourself in life.
Use affirmations daily. "I am going to have a lucky day today." "I am going have good fortune today." "I am going to help enable my luck today by helping others to be lucky today."
Be humble. Luck favors the humble; this doesn't mean you can't stand out there and enthuse others to find their luck but you mustn't toot your horn of arrogance or luck will start to shy away as you become too self-certain. And this quickly steps into the realm of disrespecting others and closing yourself off to more learning. Remember balance and you'll be fine.
Don't get cocky. The more lucky you are, the more prone you are to become cocky and think you're better then everyone else.
Things You'll Need
Affirmation post-it notes stuck in strategic places
A book of positive quotations (or an internet site can send these to you daily)
A photo of a four-leaved clover at your front door to remind you that you are your own luck; place it so you can see it when you go out and when you come in
Networking opportunities; if you don't have them, start making them, even at the local pub
Neat clothes; you don't need expensive and designer wear to be lucky but neatness is important in whatever you wear, as it conveys self-respect and people warm to that.
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