Saturday, July 19, 2008


And according to this blog,it's all thanks to the Brooktwon WSOP Blog.

As faithful readers know we called for the firing of Willie Randolph early this year when we saw things had not changed from the embarrassing collapse of 2007. We installed the weekly Willie Watch, and apparently that feature became an instant "must see" each week in the Mets clubhouse and through out major league baseball. Finally Omar agreed and as we all know Willie was let go, and very quickly the Mets climbed the standings and are right back in contention where they belong.

Now as for Delgado, who is an admitted reader of the blog (he apparently loves Wine Loft News of the week) it seems the post where he was called out and renamed Carlos Delgottago, finally made him realize that the Met fans were down on him and we had had enough.

Well since that post, Delgado has raised his average from .229 to .253 and has hit 7 home runs and driven in 20 runs and are 14-6 in those games. Keep up the good work Carlos, we're watching, and rooting for you guys every at bat!!!

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