Thursday, April 24, 2008


The fan voting has become a joke and the show has become nothing but a popularity contest. Jason Castro, who has not a stitch of personality and Brooke White, who forgot the words to her song and actually started over, didn’t even wind up in the bottom Two.

Syesha Mercado and Carly Smithson, both may have had their best performances of the season and received rave reviews from both Simon and Randy (Paula is meaningless), were in the final 2 and Carly went home!!. Two weeks ago, andother polished and decent singer Michael Johns went home.

Even the musical mentor of the show, Andrew Lloyd Webber had nothing good to say about Jason, who refused to even listen to any of his suggestions.. A man picking Memories to sing, Webber said, "was the most curious song choice I've ever known in my career." He tried to talk Jason out of it to no avail, Webber made clear he had no use for Jason.

So shockingly the final 5 is Jason, Brooke,Syesha ,David Cook and David Archuleta. In my opinion I don’t see the infatuation with Archuletta. He sounds like he needs to clear his throat, and he has the excitement and charisma of a Raggedy Ann Doll…..what the hell am I doing, why am I blogging about this? I don’t care, I really don’t care. I haven’t been on top of my game since Natalie got voted off Big Brother!!!



At April 24, 2008 at 4:36 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

I wasn't a big Carly fan and hated that song she sang but I agree that she didn't deserve to go home. Jason Castro and Brooke White were terrible! This is a bad season. Of everyone left I'm hoping for a Syesha-David Cook final two. Jason Castro really needs to go.

At April 24, 2008 at 4:36 PM , Blogger S.P. said...

I wasn't a big Carly fan and hated that song she sang but I agree that she didn't deserve to go home. Jason Castro and Brooke White were terrible! This is a bad season. Of everyone left I'm hoping for a Syesha-David Cook final two. Jason Castro really needs to go.


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