Thursday, September 25, 2008


Pedro is done, the Marlins own Big Pelf and we have no one to start on Saturday.

This can’t be good.

While I can think of 10 games that we “BLEW” I can’t think of any that we “stole” like so many have been stolen from us. After last September and this week, it’s making me much colder, much less excited about my team. These next 4 games could very well be the turning point in my Mets life.

Now I’m not naïve enough to say that if they fail to make the play-offs I’m done with them and I won’t watch them next year. That’s unrealistic, but I truly feel if they fail over the next 4 days, I can’t imagine going into 2009 investing the same commitment to them game in and game out, day in and day out that I have in the past. I wouldn’t expect to leave work early on opening day to see game 1, or exchange pitch by pitch texts with Neil while on vacation in Disney for 7 games straight to stay in the loop. I don’t think I’ll be yelling at my kids for making noise, when in reality I’m angry because Luis Castillo can’t get the run in the from 3rd base with one out in the 2nd inning.

Will I be fooled in December when the Mets bring in a new closer and 2 very highly priced set up men…no I won’t care, they went out and got the best pitcher on the planet this year and he did all he could, but he couldn’t save them, because as good as he was, this team blew 5 of his wins. So after a second straight year of failing when the money was on the line I won’t be invested and infatuated with them 24/7. I can’t be, there are more important things than sitting on your hands hoping Ryan Church will hit a 320 foot fly ball with 1 out and the based loaded.

I’m actually happy to say Jay was right, there won’t be TV in the wine loft, this way I know of at least 2 nights a week I won’t be able to sit and watch the my team tease me into thinking they are a contender, then just show me in September that they are a pretender.

I won’t miss having to listen to sport talk know nothings who give the “Big game by Santana, the Mets should easily go 4-2 now which means if the Brewers go 5-1,which they probably won’t do, they are in.” Oh yea, the problem with that speech is THE METS DON’T GO 4-2 WHEN THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO OR WHEN THEY NEED TO. Thank God Howard Stern is on all day long on Sirius 100.

There will be some summer nights when it hurts, and I am sure winter nights when I cry myself to sleep, breakups always do that, but over time wounds heal, we find other things to occupy our time, and we move on.
35 years of watching 90% of this team’s every at bat, every pitch, they’ve given me some great memories, and a lot of happiness, but with that always comes a ton of pain, and disappointment. After watching the same old same old last night, I think it’s best for both of us that on Sunday I’ll take one last trip out to the place I first saw a baseball game, first saw Tom Seaver, and first fell in love with this team and sport. On Sunday we’ll share one last night together, and as I say goodbye to Shea Stadium, maybe it’s best if I say good bye to the New York Mets.



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