Thursday, August 28, 2008


Simply put, it's been unacceptable.

This pen has blown way to many games. No one feels comfortable when we see the starting pitchers pitch count nearing 100 with a 2 (or even a 5)run lead, because we know here comes the awful tandem of Heilman, Sanchez, Feliciano, Smith and Schoeneweis. They gotta go. Every last one of them.

There's still 2 weeks left in the triple A season...I DEMAND they all be sent down, and bring up Eddie Kunz, Al Reyes, Ivan Maldonado, Willie Collazo, and Nate Field.

This has to be done, I can't sit on my couch with a nifty 3-1 lead after 2 comfortable hours of baseball thru 7, then have to endure 1 hour of 5 awful pitchers trying to get the last 6 outs....AND FAILING!!!!

Faithful readers...have I let you down yet? No, I have not..Willie had to go, he went...I offer solutions, Omar needs to act right now, send them down and let them remember what it's like to ride the bus and play in front of 3,300 fans who care most about the sausage race (pardon). We play 2 key games against the Phillies today and tomorrow, in Philly...we know that band box is a nightmare to bullpens, and withthe worst pen in the game I see nothing good happening. I WANT COLLAZO TO GET OUT UTLEY TONIGHT NOT SCHOENWEIS. WHEN BURREL SOMES UP TONIGHT IN THE 8TH WITH 2 MEN ON AND THE METS UP BY 2 WE NEED NATE FIELD TO GET HIM OUT.

Omar...this is not negotiable.

Am I being extreme? Hell yea I'm being extreme, and that's because I was the same guy last year who stayed calm and said, "we have 17 games left to play, all we have to do is go 8-9 and then Philly has to go 15-2 just to tie us"...well guess what, we didn't even go 8-9 and Philly not only tied us but passed us...I WILL NOT SIT BY IDLY THIS YEAR AND FAIL. Wake up Omar, bring up the reserves, and let's win this thing!!!!

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